How soon is now? Walking with a ghost

I finished up cleaning the EGR valve on my Honda Insight today. Hopefully this resolves the herky jerky ness during lean burn that the car sometimes displays. If nothing else at least it shouldn’t hurt anything, and gave me a good excuse to inhale some wd40 fumes :) (no worries…I have to many brain cells already)
I followed the steps outlines in this thread at There are some arguements about the necessity of the work, but once again the whole “can’t really hurt anything” aspect won me over. The only thing that bothered me is nobody posted any good pics….drives me crazy but seems to happen a lot there.
So…pictures of where the EGR valve is located and it’s removal below:
Just remove the engine cover at the 3 screws circled in the pic w/ a 10mm socket

Once the cover is off, you’ll see the EGR valve in the lower right:

It may take some muscle to get the bolts off (12mm), I let it soak in wd40 for a while…not sure if it helped

Just an overview with the EGR valve off

Just turn it upside down, fill with wd40 (or carb cleaner) and let soak overnight

9 Responses to “Honda Insight EGR valve cleaning”

  1. Thanks! I’ve been looking for pictures for the EGR and where it is, but couldn’t find anything. You rock!

  2. Dennis,
    Did cleaning your Insight EGR valve resolve your jerky running problem? I have the same jerkiness problem, and cleaned the EGR a couple of times, which seemed to resolve the problem for a few days each time. But each time the problem returned. I finally replaced the EGR, again with apparent success, only to have the problem come back in a few more days. Any clues? Thanks.
    Dave Timmons

  3. Dave,
    It could be that your feeling the typical stuttering from lean burn mode. I get that too sometimes, I think the real issue with the EGR valve was a much more pronounced stuttering.
    so yeah, i still get it a bit when cruising.

  4. cleaned my EGR valve according to the instructions. used a orange based solvent. Soaked it for about 2 hrs. checked to see if the valve was seating by blowing air backwards. Could see bubbles excaping around the valve seat. after an hour it was seating without bubbles. Made a big difference. No more engine stubbling at 2000 rpms under slight accel.
    Thanks for the tip. Honda 2001 insight.

  5. Can you use brake fluid to clean the metal plate. Or better replace it and also the paper gasket?

  6. [...] Valve Adjustment Procedure Valve Adjustment Proceedure/Write Up – With Pics EGR Cleaning Honda Insight EGR valve cleaning EGR Plate Cleaning ERG Plate Removal/Cleaning – With Pics EGR Related Gasket Part #s [...]

  7. [...] was looking at the way this guy did it: Honda Insight EGR valve cleaning So will do this nothing? __________________ 2002 Honda Insight 5 [...]

  8. I’ve had my 2000 Insight for 5 years and this has started to get worse for me.. so I’ve started to investigate the valve and the control of the solenoid…

    Some ideas at the thread above…

  9. Thank you.

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