Happy Halloween

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Oct 312004

Happy Halloween

- Impressive car commercial, although the sounds a bit low to hear the announcer. Courtesy of Tim.
- Fun flash game from Coor’s Light. Can you count the beer bottles?

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happy halloween fun

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Oct 292004

So yesterday Jen and I carved my first pumpkin.
We had talked about doing this previously, but probably would have done it with a little one from Woodman’s or Dominick’s. The ironic thing was that about two weeks ago I got a letter from the Real Estate office we purchased the house thru offering coupons to a local pumkin farm (real fancy place, imho). An email to there excellant staff was all that was required to get them in the mail to us (thanks!). So here are the results of the first pumpkin I have ever carved in my life…special thanks to Jen for helping with the “gutting”…..nasty….
Pictures? Why yes, I just happen to have some:

And the end result:

Once again, thanks to Ellen, The Hauck’s, and Jen for the pumpkin starter kit she bought me :) The interesting thing is that Dremel makes a pumpkin carving tool (waste of money imho) but the cool thing is they offer downloadable templates on their website so you don’t have to make your own.

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World Series

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Oct 282004



Let the new dynasty begin!

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web site's not broken

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Oct 282004

had to take down the comment feature temporarily because of low life scum sucking bastard spammers.
- update 10/29/04 all fixed….hope the bastards rot in hell….

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life is short, your capable

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Oct 272004

Over the years this site has been a blessing and a curse. It allows me to share my thoughts, things I find funny, and even perhaps work out some issues by having a sounding board.
It’s also raised it’s own share of problems, and theres been more than one time where I felt like just packing it up, burning it to CD and wiping this clean.
That being said, while I’ve taken reasonable steps to safeguard my specificts (address, phone #, favorite spice girl) I have not had the level of problems these people have:
- Diary of a grounded flight attendant. She get’s “suspended” over online journal….basically this is what they do until you quit.
- Secret service visits over comments made about the president.
As the world continues to become smaller and smaller, and the proliferation of high speed internet and cheap hosting continues how long until every company has blog policies regarding personal comment’s and thoughts.
For now it only seems that little brother is watching, how long until everything is reviewed. No more criminal background checks, imagine a future of google checks where your thoughts are held against you.
It’s a brave new world.

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wore down like a road

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Oct 262004

Don’t drink and use digital camera’s…

Well we beat Doom 3 a few nights ago, and I’m already bored out of my mind waiting for a new first person shooter.
A lot of people rip on it because it’s dark and other stuff, but that was the point. Honestly, most people who didn’t like it either have bad taste or are whiney little bitches.
- Somebody keeps stealing my letters. :(
- Hypo-allergenic cats. They’d still kill you if they were just alittle bit bigger.
- Holy crap, work for apple, get paid to take pictures with stars. Seriously, really freaking cool…but man…whats with celebrities and “simple” computers.
- Three women drown when Jeep goes offroad….into a lake. Police seeking this man for questioning:

- Are you man enough to handle !!!! Only the manliest men of men can wield its awesome might as shown by the pictures. 10% if you like gymnasiums timmy.
- Rubber ducky of death.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go figure out what frozen dinner to defrost.

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America NSFW

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Oct 252004

Normally, I would never post a link like this.
Contains vulgarity, nudity, and crude humor, but if you think you can handle it, it’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
America, FUCK YEAH!
Sung by trey parker / Team America World Police soundtrack.
And when you done with that watch this link comparing Milli Vanilli and Ashlee Simpson….then you can buy this shirt and the world will be complete.

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yay redsox...so far

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Oct 242004

Ok, good morning.
Me and Jen spend yesterday helping my nephew move into his new house, and I’m happy to report I’m a little sore which means I actually did some work…now I don’t have to go to the gym :)
Also, the Red Sox won during a close game, despite some major f ups, which is cool.
Also, I find this morning, Ashlee Simpson fubar’d her SNL apperance last night. For all interested let me save you 10 minutes of your life you’ll never get back if you watch the video.
1. Jude Law introduces her right before the end of the show
2. Camera starts to pan down
3. Singing suddenly starts coming out of nowhere, apparently it was lipsynced and the wrong track was played.
4. She does a little jig and walks off the stage leaving the band with a universal wtf look
5. At the end of SNL, she blames the band for playing the wrong song.
There you go…now we can all go back to not caring. Instead let’s talk about something of relevance…LINKS!
- Oldie but goodie, the crimson room
- Never piss of a guy who owns a F-250 when you divorce him.
- Remember that pic I put up of the pregnant lady smoking while complaining about jackhammer noise being bad for the baby? Turns out it was real.
- Almost time for the lilipution motor cross championship.
- Just more proof that electrical engineers need to get laid more.
- Old by now, been /.’d but here it is anyways. TV-b-gone. Instantly disintegrates any TV within a 300 foot radius….or turns them off, one of the two I’m not sure.
- The haunted painting…oooh scary…actually, it is a little freaky.
- Holy crap! Look at the pipes on that engine.

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Oct 232004

And a special thanks to Tobi for our dessert of chocolate chip cookies :)

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I came back as a bag of groceries...

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Oct 232004

Meet Ralph

Ralph, everyone in the entire world who reads this. Everyone in the entire world who reads this, Ralph.
Now that we have that out of the way let me tell you why I just introduced you to a mouse. He’s now living with us.
Now, I realize it’s already to late to avoid the “what the fuck was dennis thinking” train of thought, so I’ll just do my best to explain why it is we now have a mouse.
Yesterday, I walked out the front door to get the mail. It was about 4:30pm and a plesant 60 degrees or so out. Almost immediatly, I noticed a small creature on it’s side lying on the concrete walkway leading to our door. Just laying there motionless as I walked up and hunched down to it. As I sat there croutched thinking to myself how sad the “circle of life” (yes Jen I stole that from you) was I saw it’s tiny little body move as he took a breath. Seeing this garnered a “oh crap” expression and the rest is history.
I ran inside the house, got my work gloves, an old big gladware container and a paper towel. I then went out side, picked up the mouse and put him in it and took him inside, turning up the heat while I was at it. As I sat there watching him he was only breathing in short bursts every 30 seconds, and of course I wondered what the heck I was doing. Needless to say I pretty much expected him to die before Jen even got home from work. I even tried to hold him and help him drink to no avail.
So I put him in the bathroom, after drilling some holes in the gladware container so he could breath, and tried to leave him alone to see what happened (plus I had to do the dishes before Jen got home). So long story short, Jen got home, he was standing on his own (a little shakey) and then a few hours after that he was eating, zipping around, and pooping….a lot….
Now, today I spent 50 dollars at Petsmart, bought him a home, food, a little wheel, and even bed fluff. I can’t just let him go because if I do I know he’ll die.
God i’m a sucker.

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