The last thing I’ve been trying to do was get gallery to only display images from a specific album (for the Judd family site). I used to do this using an iFrame and passing variables via php but for some reason while the iFrame still worked the php script stopped passing any variables at all.
If figure it has something to do with the new server but modifying the global register in php.ini didn’t do squat. So I did the next best thing…figured out how to modify the block-random.php script manually to only pull from the kid’s pictures album (which is all I need).
// $album = chooseAlbum();
$loadthisalbum = “Baby-pictures”;
if ($loadthisalbum) {
$album = new Album();
It’s a lot better than the iframe stuff I was using and all I had to do was save a new copy of the block-random to use just for that site.