Finally got around to uploading some Christmas pictures from last week. I think we’re still digging out from the piles of new toys and wrapping paper. Jen said it and she’s right “Christmas is really about the kids now”
First up the xmas dinner we went to at Terri’s house:
Plus here’s a great pic of my brother John holding Tabitha….I think it’s hilarious, he almost looks like he’s saying “hey…wanna buy a baby?”.
Connor got this Vtech V reader from Terri that he really really likes a lot. So far he’s already killed the batteries on it once….gonna need to get an AC adapter for that thing quick.
Here’s the next morning at our house. Amelia slept in a little bit so I ended up playing with Connor and the Home Depot workbench I had put together the day before:
From there it was pretty much just rip, rip, rip!
Don’t ask me why we got them Pez….maybe next year we’ll give them pixie sticks too. And then the last pic is of the carnage left behind:
Another year and another christmas come and gone. I still say the kids play more with the boxes and wrapping paper than the presents.