It’s funny because when you say it out loud “two and a half weeks vacation” it sounds like a long time. But when I start to think of all the things I want to try and get done it just doesn’t feel that way to me anymore.
- Bronx Mowgli: It just reminds me of that line from Baby Momma when Amy Poehler says “those kids would have gotten their asses kicked in my neighborhood”
-How Rude: Jodie Sweetin ditches her husband like a bad meth habit….so can somebody explain to me how when the woman leaves it’s always cool for them to take the babies with them? I just don’t get how that’s kosher.
Vacation time
Cat chariot or roomba?
The Microsoft Xbox 360 NXE update
Am I the only one avoiding it? I unplugged my wireless adapter like two days ago just to make sure. I mean I’m sure they’ve beta tested this, but really I think I can wait a few days to let the dust settle on the supporting servers and systems.
I wonder what effect this will have on ISP bandwidth usage?
Are all spammers morons?
IP Address:
Name: Knobiaboisuri
Email Address:
to: Admin – If You want to delete your site from my spam list, please sent url of your domain to my e-mail: And I will remove your site from my base within 24 hours webmastegz
Saw this today in my mail box, pending approval….what a moron. Sure let me get right on that…
said by my reply :
It pleased me to be reading your comment on a website this morning of my own ownership, I would ask of you in good faith that you look to the lord our saviour in removing me from your listing of website domains list. Since my husband Al Garashe Mufaseiqeiwh the 3rd has passed away into the arms of our blessed mother I am racked with pain and guilt over what to do with the 25 bazillion rupees being held in switerzland that I want to be getting help in passing out to the starving childrens in 4th world countries. I look forward to you spamming my website no longer so that I may continue in earnestness to proceed moving forward in search of a plump middleweight american to assiste my need for help.
here is my website to remove:
Praise your heart in God’s earshot,
Miss Alilwmiiqh93kkdid ‘ack Gallaror,,osm
awwww…darn, looks like somebody already got him
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
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Account disabled
Jen is sick, Amelia is sick, Connor is sick, and I am sick. There is stuff coming out of the kids noses that could probably patch a tire.
I miss the good old days when I was young; back then being sick meant all the TV you could watch while sitting on the couch eating chicken soup and playing video games.
The kids are lucky they're this cute sometimes
I snapped these pictures yesterday morning while I was getting Connor up, thought they were pretty cute.
Kung Fu Clowns
How did I never see this before today???
I found that while looking at this Toyota Corolla commercial with ninja cats…
LL Bean and not living in Maine
They’ve opened up a LL Bean near us finally, and yesterday we went their for the first time. It was pretty easy to imagine spending $500 bucks….I mean how can you go wrong with a place that sells lined pants and snow sneakers. I even saw these neat gloves that kind of made you look like a Turian.
They had some really great prices on pants as well….seems like everything I try to buy lately is made for a 19 year old waif who is 7 feet tall. It’s not like I suddenly gained a lot of weight or shrank, it’s just weird. Anyways it was nice to get into some pants that didn’t cost a left arm, and actually fit me. It’s just like a month ago when I tried to use a gift card I have for American Eagle, all the pants there looked like they had been dragged from a car and even had holes in them. Why would I buy pants that are in worse condition than the ones I am trying to replace?
Maru the cat is a funny cat
here’s a few other videos:
Berries and cream
I always have been fascinated by this commercial…kind of like a car accident you can’t look away from.
There’s even a how to on how to do the dance….which is very Tim and Eric.