Oh man it has not been a good year for my website….almost 10 years of being out here on the internet and 3 server crashes within the first 6 months of the year have really taken a toll. Not to mention switching from Movable Type to WordPress was a bit of a learning curve.
After the latest crash nothing I could do would get wordpress 2.9.2 working properly with wordbooker 1.7.8. At first I was just getting a blank page after pressing publish but then after messing around I was getting class-json.php fatal errors. Oh and I was having issues with the wordpress app for my iPhone.
So I just said screw it and upgraded to wordpress 3.0 and a new install of wordbooker 1.8.10 (which is a great program btw). Of course I updated my suffusion theme and completely borked every custom thing I had done to get the layout the way I wanted. Let me tell you they make it hard as hell to modify the default 55px header size in the css…had to use firebug in firefox to figure out that some default setting was overwriting my changes to the style.css. argh!
On a side note the other day our sony stereo A/V receiver decided to shit itself and stop working. All it would do is flash “protect” over and over….I tried disconnecting all inputs, all outputs, blowing out the dust and even tightening all the screws incase there was a bad ground triggering it…no joy. So we went to ABT to buy a new Sony STR-DH710 (which hopefully won’t f’king die after 6 years) which actually works out because it has 3 component inputs instead of just 2, so now I can hook up the Wii again and at least get 480p out of it.
Anyways here are some pictures Jen took while we were there.

Let me tell you something…ABT is hella busy July 5th. Never gonna do that again if I can help it…of course we needed something pretty much that day since we couldn’t watch TV at all (and the kids love Yo Gabba Gabba and Dinosaur Train).