Penny arcade, oh how you amuse me
Dennis Judd: Pumpkin carving idiot savant
Today marks the carving of my second pumpkin ever (the first is here)….The grim reaper
Every year Jen want’s to get a pumpkin, but somehow I end up doing all the carving…I think she’s in it just for the seeds.
Girl's Costume Warehouse NSFW language
Considering I just returned from NJ, this strikes a cord with me. That and the fact that it’s pretty god damned funny.
Speaking of NJ….EWR (Newark Intl Airport) is probably one of the most jacked up places I have been. It pulls a close second to DFW, but looses since they didn’t appear to have death manning the counter at the security site. Over all though, if you asked me if flying American Airlines out of DFW was a good idea, I’d have to say no…the people manning the gate desks are utter and complete incompetent morons. Unless of course you like standing in lines…if line standing is what you enjoy, with no movement, then EWR is your nirvana. Or perhaps you would like to taste the wonders of a 9 dollar personal pizza, with more sausage on it than the sky has stars. If so then EWR is certainly your destination.
With the sheer number of flights out of that place, you would imagine that some body’s gotta be making money besides the restaurants. The only impression that I left with was that somebody somewhere was getting stinkin’ rich off that place, and hadn’t done any improvements since the last time I spiked my hair to look cool in 1988 (and no…it didn’t work).
Anyways boy it’s nice to be home, even if I did have to drive through rush hour traffic on I90 to get there cause my flight was 1 1/2 hours late. I’m still shocked that my car was even there….and not even ticketed. My O’Hare naivete must be showing, but nothing about my parking was 100% legit. But then again for a friday night that place was so packed that I suspect that the car I was semi-blocking (I mean I could have gotten out) was still there. So I suspect a lot of flights were late that day.
Well off to watch anime, honestly it’s been great to relax a bit today with Jen. A week of meetings doesn’t sound like a rigorous exercise, but being in a room with a guy who makes 3x’s more than you and arguing with him can get a little daunting Although I feel pretty good about it in the end honestly, I’d like to think that if I got that high up the food chain I’d be sick of bullshit and appreciate an honest answer.
We’ll see monday if my desk is still there
that day
This was original a rant about the horrible food I just ate, but I decided that I was just sick of the complaining.
Honestly, my life is pretty damn great, and one lousy meal (that I didn’t even have to pay for) doesn’t change that one bit.
I better watch it or else I won’t have anything to write about
Nightmare before Christmas 3 Freakin' D
How the hell does something like this fly under my radar….and why the hell didn’t Jessamine tell me?
Official site here
Life just kind of empties out....
good night from New Jersey
Well at least I'm not dead...I guess
There is clearly no gypsy blood in my veins.
Can somebody explain to me why ever damn time I change lanes on the I-90 that the one I’m in suddenly begins to go the slowest? I mean I know I was on it around morning rush hour, but it was just damn comical. I really thougt the understanding was that the left lane was supposed to be the fast one. The minute I got into it, it became the slower lane.
Also, why the f*&@ do they still give out tickets for Lot E if the damn thing is full. This isn’t that hard people….have the stupid ticket machine count how many it gives out versus how many leave, and when that number exceeds the total # of parking spaces then stop dispensing them. If I get back and there’s no ticket I’m gonna be shocked, but I didn’t have time to go to another lot and then take a bus from there to the tram. Plus I’ll probably need a shoehorn and a quart of vasiline to get my damn car out.
Anyways, at least this hotel has free internet….although I had to set my network card to 10 half to make it work. I miss the hotel I stayed at in San Ramon…that place was real nice. Although for some reason I have a handicapable room so I’ve got basically what looks like a delousing room….no bathtub just a big tiled room for hosing down inmates or something.
I’ll probably feel better after eating something…I’m freakin’ starving….but of course I don’t have a car so I’m stuck here at the hotel while other’s go visit with their boss (I know nobody out here basically).
Dig a pit, add water, instant funny
This is one of those situations that are hilarious as long as it’s not happening to you….get’s good around the bikers.
A very happy unbirthday to me...
Bad new: I have to travel next week on a trip for work.
Good news: Proving once again I have the best wife in the world, she gave me an early birthday present for the trip.
I can’t wait to go Gamestop tomorrow and pick out a new game for the trip. And they’re coming out with Final Fantasy III soon….which looks so hella cool. It’s the images that have me excited, reminds me of FF7.
Who knew they made pink controllers?
Sunday Jen and I shared a rare day off together, so we did what any normal loving couple would do.
We went to Gamestop
We traded in Radiata Stories, Kingdom Hearts, and Devil May Cry 3:SE. And walked out with and Star Wars Legos 2.
We also picked up another controller for Jen (since my dualshock died), you gotta check this thing out:
Pink is the new PS2 controller
And it was only like $12.99 at Gamestop. So far it’s been great, not a bad deal for about 1/2 the price of a used sony controller.
Yesterday, my new office chair casters arrived from Of course I never got a confirmation email for my order, and had to call them twice to find somebody who could even confirm I placed the order (only to find they were backordered)….but I did get them. And to be fair, the price on that site was 1/2 of what I was finding elsewhere online. So my experience could have just been a fluke.
But I got’em, and put them on today….just for reference let’s listen to what my old wheels sounded like.
Either my chair is noisey, or I have serious intestinal problems that need to be addressed
So the difference is night and day. It’s like I’m sitting in a ninja chair now…much much quieter.