Soul wants to go one way, but my heart and mind playing a tug o' war with me baby

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May 312003

Remember that Star War’s kid video? And then the one with the special effects added?
Well….now there’s another one, worth mentioning before this fad wears out completely, and its well done. I got permission from the creator to put it up here, so here ya go Star Wars Kid: Reloaded. Curtosy of .
Here are 3 links, please choose only one to click:
- auction on Ebay…, i didn’t win.
- Proof that you can’t get a moments peace from cats.
- Carnie Wilson to pose in playboy…WTF!!??
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a long hot shower.

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A funny thing happened today...

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May 302003

I was driving today on rt. 62 and noticed a car behind me that caught my eye. Turns out it was another red Insight just like mine. It was pretty cool to see exactly what my car looked like from the outside, but as before, whenever I’ve seen another Insight the driver is always some old person. Guess I”m the only person my age who thinks this car is great :(
Anyways, the site was down for a while, the main server’s DNS entry was hosed up by and as a result my site (which is CNAME’d to it) got toasted as well. :( At least it all got fixed and such, now if I could just find time I’ve got a lot of videos to put up, but I’m on a dial up line right now so I haven’t had time to get home and mess with it.
btw, as you can see i’ve moved the camera around a bit, I wanted to keep an eye on my cats while I was gone to see what the little bastards were doing while I’m gone.
Well if you’ll excuse me I’ve got emails to respond to and a bunch of other stuff to do. See ya.

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He must be scared of her....

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May 282003

London – A Brazilian man is back with his wife who cut off his penis when he asked for a divorce.
The man, from Lapao, in the northeast of the country, has had his penis successfully reattached in hospital.
He says he understands his wife acted out of stress and that they are living together happily again.
He told Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper: “She was stressed and I understand her reasons.”
His wife cut off his penis after lacing his fruit juice with a sedative after he said he wanted a divorce.
She waited for him to fall asleep and then sliced it off with a kitchen knife.

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As I mature (via curtesy of Jen)

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May 272003

I’ve learned that you cannot make
someone love you. All you can do is
stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
I’ve learned that no matter how
much I care, some people are just
I’ve learned that it takes years
to build up trust, and it only takes
suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I’ve learned that you can get by
on charm for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you’d better have a
big weenie or huge boobs.
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t
compare yourself to others – they ! are
more screwed up than you think.
I’ve learned that you can keep puking
long after you think you’re finished..
I’ve learned that we are responsible
for what we do, unless we are celebrities.
I’ve learned that regardless of how
hot and steamy a relationship is at first,
the passion fades, and there had
better be a lot of money to take its place.
I’ve learned that the people you care most
about in life are taken from you too soon
and all the less important ones just never
go away.

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There are somethings you can't hide

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May 262003

I’m only a social drinker, but I smoke crack like a motherfucker

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I just want bang, bang, bang

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May 252003

Good morning, time for a healthy breakfast (don’t worry your kids will eat it).
- Virtual dog poo creator…..still no cure for cancer.
- The shaving industry lies to men, here’s the best razor available.
- It’s summer time, and time to enjoy a nice Dicken’s Cider. My girlfriend just can’t get enough.
- I don’t want to talk to you, I just want bang, bang, bang.
Well if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some things to do. Later

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peace and love incorporated.

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May 232003

- Don’t mess with “bat” man.
- Jesus is always with you….everywhere..all the time, and your restraining order won’t protect you.
- Irony…..94.7′s webpage includes a link to mine (to that Star Wars Kid)….

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he gonna give it to ya

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May 222003

So I was going thru my logs for this month, and my bandwidth just spiked like crazy suddenly, turns out I got linked for that Starwars kid video from a few sites. I knew about a few of them, but I never expected this dramatic of an increase in traffic.

Anyways, no big deal thankfully. Still I’m a little shocked still.
Oh well, just make sure you don’t piss off my cats:

- This isn’t one of those scary pictures that flash a picture or scream, it truely is an interesting picture.
- Trucker hats are now fashion statements…..end of world expected soon.
- Guy lived in crawl space for 6 weeks and spied on his old room mate.

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Accelerating at 120Mph.....

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May 202003

So I went skydiving on friday. Pretty scary actually, nothing like plummiting out of a plane at 12,000ft towards the earth. Lot’s of fun though…..wish they would have let me bring a camera up there with me. At least if I had dropped it I could have caught it :P
Seriously, I recommend it, me and Jen had a great time doing it. You free fall for about 60 seconds, and then once you pull the chute at 5000+/- ft. you float down for about 5 minutes. Pretty cool……
And now in celebration of my not dying, new links!:
- Road rage without the gun.
- That’s a nice new “coffin” table you have there.
- What?! Beggars don’t use the money to buy food? The devil you say!

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Allah, why have you forsaken me..?

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May 172003

- Here’s an interesting article regarding Dowries and Indian marriages.
- Here’s a fun little game called Particle Jam that Donna showed me and Jen. Watch out for the damn lightning…so far we can’t get past level 7.
- OMFG…..??? WTF??? Whats next Starsky and Hutch movies…….oh crap…..

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