Even more baby pictures and jaundice update

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Apr 302007

So today was a good day, Dr. said he was gaining good weight and the bili test came back at 12, which means we can stop using the bili blanket..which is a huge huge pain in the butt. Remember that movie …it was kinda like that. I felt like I was plugging my cyborg baby in to recharge off the hive net and he even glowed blue. I could have just super glued some parts to him and called him baby borg.
See for yourself:

The bili bed at the hospital…god I wish they rented these!

The bili blanket they do rent, which really kinda suck. Notice the glow on the 2nd pic
Oh and you know those yellow things get peed on…don’t know why they only gave us like 5 of them.
Anyways now that he’s not tethered to a 4′ fiber optic cord we can actually sleep in the bedroom tonight (we’ve been making base camp in the family room). So we’ll see how tonight goes. Other than that it’s just normal baby stuff….he summon’s the dark gooey evil of the deepest pits of hell via his bowels and we clean them up….while occasionally chasing Jen throughout the house with them. And of course taking massive amounts of pictures…not of the poo, of the baby…you sick people I swear.

Glad to be home, not so glad to be sleep deprived

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Apr 272007

Well they finally let us go late yesterday afternoon, even though Connor has slight jaundice, and I don’t think we’ve slept much since then….this crazy light thing has to be on him pretty much 24×7 for right now and it makes all the simple things a total pain.
Then again, oh well, as long as he’s healthy ya know….here are some pics I took when we left:

Now if you’ll excuse me, I suddenly find there are a thousand things I need to be doing…

Like son like father

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Apr 252007

Even more pictures...get used to it :)

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Apr 252007

Fun in the hospital

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Apr 242007

It’s amazing to Jen and I that as we sit here it’s been less than 24 hours since our son was born. So much has happened and Jen’s done so much that it feels like much much longer.
All of Connor’s test’s have come back and everything is clear. So we are pretty happy about that. Plus hopefully Jen will be off the IV here soon so she can get back to feeling like her old self.
Check that…they’re removing it now. Gotta go, but you have to love a hospital that offers WiFi don’t ya?
Basically, things are going great and Jen did a super job with everything. You can’t ask for much more than that in the end.

Introducing our son...

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Apr 242007

This morning, at 3:01am CST, our son Connor Mervin Judd was brought into this world with a lot of hard work and pushing :)

Technically he was only 37 1/2 weeks along, but he already weighted 8.5lbs and was 20″ long. Can you imagine what would have happened if we had left him in there? Yipes…..

Looks like we'll be having an April baby

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Apr 232007

More information to come, but things are looking to be moving a little quicker than originally though.
I’ll post more when it’s over.

Wedding photos are up

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Apr 212007

It’s taken a while but we’ve finally finished uploading the wedding photos, the whole gallery of 130+ is here (hint: the slideshow feature is useful if you want to see them all), but here’s a few highlights:

The Landlord w/ Will Ferrell

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Apr 192007

In the odd chance you haven’t seen this yet…the other guy in the video is actually the one who wrote Anchorman and Talladega Nights….go figure:

What happened to the other 23 hours?

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Apr 172007

Time seems to be playing cruel jokes on me lately. There just isn’t enough of it in a day to get everything done I want, and of course it doesn’t help I’m not the most motivated person at times.
Anybody remember that Metric Time sketch from SNL back in the 70′s? That’s what I need :)
Whole lot of hurry up and wait going on here with the kid. I think it’s safe to say we (meaning Jen) have officially entered the “OK, this was great…is it over yet?” phase of pregnancy. Meanwhile, I’ve been keeping busy working on a laptop for a friend of hers. It’s this super small that had a failing 6GB hard drive in it, I was able to slap a 40GB in it and reinstall XP Home on it after a few days of scratching my head on how to do it legally so I could squeeze SP2 into it. I gotta say, now that I’m all done, I’m really happy with how it turned out. You’d never think it’s a 333Mhz while using it. I also make a bios battery for it using some batteries I had lying around from the wedding floral decorations….go figure.
Funny thing, since the bios battery was dead, the clock obviously was way off (dec 1, 1999)….so here’s the rub. I kept trying to register the copy of XP over the Internet, and it wouldn’t let me do it. I was online, everything else worked fine, but it just couldn’t connect to the server. I think it was giving me error message 32777. The fix turned out to be setting the clock to the correct date. Isn’t that a kick? I have no idea why the clock being wrong should cause that, but hey I kinda get it….I mean XP didn’t exist back in 1999. It was just kinda weird.
Oh yeah, and while we’re at it, why doesn’t anyone update bios’s anymore? I mean, the thing still had the bios on it from 1999…version 1. At least if your going to slap a new OS on it take the time to update the bios. It was kinda cool because I used to do that all the time, and had a hell of a time finding an actual floppydisk and drive to make the update disk. Ahhh…the memories.
In other computer news I’m officially becoming old. I had to set the DPI of my monitors to 120 from 96 due to my eyesight getting worse. Doc said I have the eyes of a 43 year old and of course it only has to do with the excessive amount of time I spend on a computer. Of course it doesn’t help that I have always maxed out my resolution to get the most real estate on my monitor (currently 1680×1050). Getting old sucks.
On the bright side, free stuff doesn’t suck :P Friends of ours (Rick and Kristin) gave us this awesome basket full of baby stuff (Kristin just gave birth, so she knows all the must have’s), and one of their parents even went so far to make a quilt for us that matched some of the Fischer Price stuff we’ve bought (rainforst pack and play). I mean, how nice is all that? I couldn’t even make a napkin for somebody if I had a gun to my head. I hope this doesn’t mean we have to keep one upping each other, and like 5 years from now I’ll be posting about how hard marble is to chisle or something. :0
Off to work, but real quick I just got this:
- Pat (NSFW) sent me this, For Sale: One Useless Cat.

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