Guide to ordering broadband:
1) Nothing is guaranteed. If anyone guarantees you anything, they are lying.
2) Sales people lie. Salesmen have been lying from the dawn of civilization. Nothing has changed. Salesmen lie in every industry, telecom is no different.
3) Some people cannot have broadband even though they were told they could (see rules 1 and 2).
4) Most of time the installer is not going to set up your network, fix your refrigerator, or rearrange your furniture. If you were told he would, see rules 1 and 2.
5) I’m sure your Pets / Kids are lovely creatures. Please put them somewhere else. It is not cute when you say he / she / it wants to help. And yes, he / she / it does bite.
6) There is not a special switch somewhere that instantly activates your service. Things go wrong. Sometimes there are delays. No one is out to get you. Continue using your regular dosage of Paxil.
7) If there are problems, yelling at people and being rude will get you nowhere fast. Calling 4 times an hour will not make things go faster. Relax, have a smoke. Drink some scotch. Watch some T.V. Talk to your kids about drugs. Help control the stray population by having your pet spayed or neutered. You are not losing hundreds/thousands/millions of dollars an hour because your DSL or Cable is down. You are losing hundreds/thousands/millions of dollars because you didn’t have the foresight to plan for an outage. You are relying on a $30-100 product for critical connections? Shame on you.
9) You do not have to install the crappy connection software you are given. Do a little research.
10) There is a 99.999% chance that you are not a broadband expert (even if you do have and MCSE). Yes this applies to you.
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