Signs of summer

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Jun 302006

Ahh…Children playing, birds chirping, trees green and lush, strange teenagers trying to sell me discount meat from the back of white, unmarked vans…..truely it’s a wonderful world we live in.
Seriously, what the fuck? Who decided that it was a great idea to sell “discount steaks” in an unmarked white van ala the speaker scam.
We were loading up the car to head somewhere, and dammit we just didn’t move fast enough. I had noticed the van down the street in the cul de sac out of the corner of my eye, and the minute they saw we were going to be in the drive way they pounced quickly, pulling up and blocking the entire driveway and some teenage kid hopping out right away.
The minute I saw it I knew what was up, and before the kid even got a word out I said “oh no…no no we don’t want any meat or speakers or whatever, no thanks” in the same tone of voice that one would use when they’ve realized they stepped in dog shit. Now you might think I was a bit of a dick, but here’s the thing. Ok so I say that, and turn right back around to work on packing the car…I mean seriously, I don’t have time for this bullshit heavy pressure situation they try to put you in. Meanwhile the kid is finally finishing his pitch and with our backs to him uncertain of how to proceed.
Here’s the interesting part, I can hear the uncertainty in his voice at the end….like he’s new to the whole pitch thing, and then i hear his voice drop and him beginning to converse with the driver, like he’s asking his dad “what do I do now” kind of a master/slave setup. I couldn’t hear everything, but in my mind it went like this:
kid: “what do I do now mr driver guy”
driver guy “aw fuck those bastards, worthless son’s o bitches…com’n let’s go sell dog meat to those kids playing down the street”
kid: “ok…..*sniff* I miss my mommy….can I have my bowl of gruel now?”
And then we saw them pull down the street, trolling for other suckers.
On a side note, , and it totally meshes with the vibe I got:

These teenagers are often hundreds of miles from home and being victimized by their bosses. The classified ads read “travel, have fun, make big money,no experience neccessary….etc.”
They round up as many 18 year olds as they can find, load them in cheap old cars and hit the road. Why get them out of town? Because when the shid starts coming down (and it will), having a kid in a strange enviornment several states away from friends and family allows a manipulative employer to keep the kids in a type of psychological prison.

stupid exciting things of a lame suburban nature

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Jun 272006

So a package arrived today that we’ve been waiting for. It involves something for the wedding….but I can’t tell anyone because it’s just to damn cool to spoil the surprise.
I’m pathetically excited.
- Almost as excited as learning english with this helpful Japanese video.
- Almost as excited as getting mauled by one of these large freakin’ cats. I made it to page 26 before giving up…amazing…
- Almost as excited as if I got one of these motorized wheels for my bicycle. Of course, I would be even more excited if I had a bicycle…in fact I might just urinate myself spontaneously in such an event. Oh yeah, blame Nick for the link :)
I need to go…I’m making a cheesecake as a surprise. Of course it’s lite…but I still look forward to the yummy cherry cheesecake deliciousness to follow.

It's ALIVE!!!!

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Jun 262006

Ok, this won’t be long. I need to go to sleep like…um now.
So I bought a Zalman 9500 cpu cooler and got it thursday. Friday I ripped into my computer with plans to install it, only to hit a small snag.
Dell doesn’t use a standard 478 socket retention guide. They used some bastard custom thing that rendered my new fancy heatsink useless. I’m so pissed at Dell for this pissy little crap it’s not funny. I mean, ok I can understand the customer motherboard screw placement and mounting, because your case is adequate….but the heatshink they put in this machine is total bullshit. It’s barely doing it’s job and I can’t even replace it with an aftermarket because you pulled this pissy little proprietary retention guide shit?

Suck. My. Balls. Dell.
Anyways, moving along, thank whatever diety you believe in, somebody was able to mail me a spare one they had. Which arrived today (thanks santyclaws, beers on my at the BBQ) so I was finally able to get my computer back up and running. So let’s take a look at some pictures:

Once I had the right guide, everything else was cake. It’s frightening to me to see how much pressure is used to keep this heatsink on, compared to the sloppy, loose OEM heatsink Dell shipped.
There are only three drawbacks:
1. Even though I spliced the sensor wire into the motherboard, the Dell BIOS still says theres a fan failure. Of course there’s no way to disable this.
2. Now I can hear my hard driver. Was it always this loud????
3. I can also hear my power supply fan now….of course I used to have a real nice power supply, but I lent it to somebody to rule it out as a problem, and of course they then moved out of state without returning it. Dammit…it even glowed blue…motherf**ker….

ROB in the mutha farkin' house beeyotch

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Jun 262006

I finally dug this out of the basement yesterday, and gave it a good cleaning:

I put all the nintendo stuff in the guest room on Jen’s old 27″ tv, and hooked it all up. So now if we have any such desire we can just hop in there and play. Plus as a bonus the light gun now works (our tv downstairs was a rear projection one, so no workie)
The only thing cooler would be if I had a G1 Optimus Prime, Megatron and Jetfire

World's most expensive cat toy

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Jun 252006

Omg….you really need to see this video of a cat going batshit crazy on a laptop:

itsy bitsy pieces.....

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Jun 252006

So my computer sits next to me, in tiny little bits, a victim of my poor planning and Dell’s thirst for bucking industry standards. :(
It should come as no surprise, but the retention guide they used for their 478 socket on the Dimension 8300 isn’t standard, and as such the new fancy heatsink I bought won’t attach to the board (yeah I went ahead and bought the Zalman 9500 mentioned below, $53 out the door at newegg).
Hopefully though, there is some hope. Somebody offered to ship me a standard retention guide they had extra (cause trying to find them online to buy is damn hard…trust me) so with any hope once it arrives I’ll be able to work things out just fine. I have a backup idea, that would involve me fabricating a custom mount, but i’m hoping to avoid that if this works.

Time for lunch

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Jun 232006

So three nights ago we beat God of War. Pretty damn upset the game only lasted for 10 hours. I mean at the end it was a pretty good game, with only a few annoying parts (that rotating sword rock wall in the hades level can kiss my ass). There just wasn’t any replay for me in the game anymore….I think I was barely able to make my way through on normal difficulty….putting it on hard would drive me crazy with frustration. As it was my damn hand and joints hurt after playing this game…maybe i’m just getting old.

And then two night ago we beat Dragon Quest 8 again….see after you beat it for the first time you get a bonus dungeon called the dragovian trials, which unlocks an alternate ending. The game was great, over 160 hours of game play with the extra dungeon, and over all it was really enjoyable to play. Only really a few major gripes:
1. Enemies can stop you from fleeing…but you never stop enemies from fleeing…very aggrevating, especially with metal slimes
2. The alternate ending sucked. Um…hello? It’s exactly what the first ending should have been all along. Why not just make one freakin’ ending and add the dragovian trials to the main part of the game? Whoever made the choice to split them made a big mistake.
3. The alchemy pot should work in reverse, so ifyou want to deconstruct something you made you can. especially when there are limited numbers of items in the game.
Anyways, so now we have Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition and Radiata Stories to play :) Weeeee, now I just have to find time.

A photographic journey: Cat's and computers

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Jun 222006

I present to you, the natural attraction of felines to technology:

My new sugar momma

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Jun 222006

Something I’ve been meaning to mention, some good news came our way a few days ago.
Jen was offered a new job.
Not only is it a great new place, but it comes with a significant pay increase! So soon I’ll be able to retire and play video games all day I mean this is a great opportunity for her :)

Zalman CNPS9500...I want this....:(

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Jun 202006

Ok, so chaning the case on my Dell 8300 has improved the air flow, but the damn thing still sounds like a leaf blower.
Enter the Zalman 9500, my current dream of salvation:

Look at the size of the thing in the motherboard:

Is it to late to put it on the wedding registry? Then again Bed Bath and Beyond probably doesn’t carry it…

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