…apparently, at only 9 months, he has learned how to call 911.
Yes, 911, as in the emergency telephone number. Forget coffee in the morning, surely there is nothing more eye opening than a police officer. Because of course, once 911 is called you cannot tell them to not come. I mean, how do they know I’m not a crazy psycho killer standing there holding a severed dripping head in one hand?
I can’t blame them really, I’m just glad the police officer didn’t want to come in and look around. I guess me holding a baby and my drivers license was good enough.
Connor showed us his new trick yesterday morning..
Das Baconator
I decided today to post, instead of wasting way the time reading the housing bubble blog. I don’t know why I find real estate so interesting honestly….could be worse, I could be collecting tin cans or anime…oh um…wait.
Moving on…
Yesterday I did something I almost never do, I ate lunch at a fast food restaurant. I knew the minute I saw the commerical for the first time that I simply could not resist the draw of eating something called “The Baconator” (god I wish they had called it Das Baconator).
Subtracting the ketchup and mayonnaise (neither of which I like) it still weighs in at an impressive 790 calories and 47 grams of fat. I actually wasn’t able to eat dinner last night because of it, looking at those numbers it’s safe to say that I didn’t really need to anyways. Normally my only bacon related fast food indulgence is from Burger King, but everything always ends up tasting like onion rings for the rest of the day.
Anyways, I liked it…even if it felt like I was going to burst at the seams afterwards. I’m probably just not use to eating fast food like that. Maybe I just needed something to wallow in since it’s become obvious that we can’t afford an iMac anytime soon Even the used G4′s are to much right now….
- I know this is old…but I thought it was funny. Do’s and Don’ts with babies.
Just a reminder if you own an Xbox 360
Beginning next Wednesday, January 23, at 2 a.m. and continuing through the following Sunday, January 27, Xbox Live users will be able to download Chair Entertainment Group’s Undertow free of charge. Ordinarily available for 800 Microsoft points ($10), Undertow is an action combat game with 15 single-player levels as well as multiplayer action where up to 16 gamers take on different classes and races in an attempt to assert dominance over the waves.
Undertow is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older.
strangers with scalpels
So last friday I had my 6th month dentist teeth cleaning thingy, which is nothing amazing, and they decided it was time for a lump that’s been in my mouth to come out.
This is part of the joy of growing old, in general if there is a lump where no lump should be, it get’s taken out. You also tend to grow hair in places you don’t need it, but that’s not really related to the lump. There was no hair on the lump in my mouth.
So…Monday found me reclining in a chair, with a man I had just met moments earlier standing over me with a scalpel and some novacaine. Six hundred dollars later I was spitting blood and sucking on gauze. Oh well, after having 8 teeth removed and braces I’m just not to fazed by mouth pain…although I was not jazzed about having to get it done.
So that’s my exciting Monday story. Obviously I thought wanting an iMac was more interesting yesterday
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go watch Vista update for another hour or so….that’s what I get for not turning it on for a few months.
Going over to the dark side
Jen and I were talking yesterday, and we come to a conslusion….we need a Mac.
Jen wants a computer downstairs, to use while she’s watching Connor…and I’ve always wanted a Mac for testing and general geeky curiosity. Now I could put a PC downstairs, but a big CPU would be hard to place out of tiny baby hands….an all in one solution would be best. Enter the sleek and sexy iMac G4 or G5….
The G4:
and the even slicker G5 (this is the newer version):
Wouldn’t one of those look great on a kitchen counter, in the corner, just to be used for web browsing and maybe some email? You damn skippy it would….now I just need to be able to aford one That’s the tricky part.
Connor meet Ralphie, Ralphie...Connor
I cleaned ralphie’s cage today, everybody wanted a piece of him afterwards….seems like he was showing off if you ask me.
well I haven't updated in a while
Nope…just no time. Haven’t even barely had time to play video games. Between work and spending time with Connor….just can’t get everything done.
Dear ATI
Dear ATI,
I recently began to experience strange glitches in my ATI Radeon 9800 video card. They would appear sporatically, and often render my two monitors unusable. In an attempt to resolve this issue I have tried reseating the card in my computer and making sure the fan was spinning. In a last ditch attempt I decided to download newer drivers (though mine were from 9/07 7-10_xp32_dd_53250).
Like most computer savvy people, I went to your site and downloaded the Display Driver package (7-12_xp32_dd_55811). I really didn’t want any other bells and whistles, so seeing the statement that the package contained ONLY display drivers I figured I had found what I needed.
After downloading it, the very first screen asked me if I wanted to download Earthsim. Earthsim? No, if I had wanted to download Earthsim, instead of going to ATI I would have typed “earthsim” into google and then downloaded it there. Heck I don’t even know what that is….will Earthsim fix my display issues? Will Earthsim let me see my desktop again through the fuzz and static that randomly pops up? If not, then why the hell would I want to install this…..I had a hard enough time getting Norton out of my computer, I don’t need more bloatware. And while I’m at it, I already purchased Half Life 2 a few years ago, it’s a great game and while I recommend it I really don’t need a link to “free” games from Valve that I already own.
I think you need to change the title of the link from “Display Driver” to “Display Driver and other crap you don’t really need”.
Dennis Judd
I am a bad bad man
Every now and then I bust out the laser pointer to mess with the cats, and lately Connor seems to want to get into the action….I really just couldn’t resist myself.
Connor has something to say
Yup…..go figure. Looks like we’re going to be having another kid here pretty soon. Jen’s just passed her 1st trimester, and it’s deja vu all over again. Except for already having to chase around a very active 8 month old–and a strange sudden urge for tabasco sauce on everything.
2008 is going to be one heck of a busy year.