In memory of Doris M. Judd

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Jul 262003

My mother, Doris, passed this morning at 2:53. She has been very sick for a long time and both my sister and I have been taking care of her.
Around easter we noticed a change in her behaviour, after visiting a doctor it was discovered she had multiple brain tumors and lung cancer.
She was not in any pain up until the end, passed in her sleep.
The past 4 month have been very hard on me, and I choose not to say anything simply because I can’t stand pity.
It might be a while before I update again, but I will continue to keep this site running hopefully.
A special thanks to the people that enabled me to care for my mother while continuing to keep my job (god bless wireless internet and telecommuting). Without the help of them I would never have made it through this.
I leave you with one thought, let us hope that we will be remembered not for how we die, but for how we lived.

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I wish my computer would stop lauching messenger when i click on O.E. :(

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Jul 252003

Ever hear of the Nigerian 419 Email scam? If not visit Ebolamonkey’s site to find out more about what it is, and some hilarious ways he torments them.
I mention this because the scam itself is an interesting look into the human mind, and also because I read today that they actually caught some of the scammers in the US.
There are a few other sites dedicated to scamming the scammers too.

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christ almighty

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Jul 222003

Ok, so I haven’t updated any pics of me lately, because I haven’t felt like doing static html. Honestly this database is easier to update.
Anyways, I was at a BBQ this weekend and here are some pics:

And here’s Steve discovering how good Golden Monkey really is :)

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it's not about me, it's not about you, it's not about them or what they do

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Jul 222003

Golden Monkey beer!

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Jul 192003

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kadunk kadunk kadunk

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Jul 162003

Dear lord, kill me now…….
Anyways, here’s a link to one of the best, funniest articles on The Best Page in the Universe, its called Take your X-TREME marketing and shove it.

You want to read it, you must read it, it’s brilliant. Simply reading it will make your life better, and cure cancer…..and hangnails. Really, it will.

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Can i get gastrointestinal bypass surgery?

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Jul 152003

There are a few things in life I will never understand:
- lime green cars
- people who own base model mustangs (especially in lime green)
- water softeners….I mean really, have you ever tried to set one?
- why they turned dawson’s creek in to an orgy
- why family guy and futurama were cancelled
- why MTV can still have the word Music in its title, yet never play any
- people who get on the elevator while you are trying to get off of it
However, the greatest mystery perhaps that I have ever come across is my sister. I somehow cannot fathom how exactly it is she can eat the massive amount of crap she does and still weigh around 100lbs.
Seriously, I don’t do any shoppping (except beer) because everything I bought she just ended up throwing out. But right now there are like 4 bags of Pepperidge Farms cookies, some fudge brownies and other stuff.
I mean, here I am eating salads, cooking on the grill, watching my carbohydrates and fat, yet I feel like jabba the hut.
Curse you beer, some day you will have you comeuppance!
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.” Inigo Montoya

Remember this guy? Great quote….can you freaking belive he’s in the showtime series Dead Like Me? (great show by the way, seriously go watch it). Completely caught me off guard on that one……
And now, the coolest link i’ve seen today:
- Matrix ping pong… seriously, it’s really funny…guys, hey guys come back.

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Strawberry Quik, now with anti-furball formula

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Jul 152003

I have now clinically proven that cat’s like milk. Strawberry milk to be exact, strawberry milk out of my glass to be exact.
As I walked out of my shower last night, I found nibbler just sitting on his bed (also known as our coffee table) happily drinking away. My reaction’s fluctuated between anger and happiness that at least he didn’t knock the glass over.
However, here is where nibbler is different from our other cats. He knows no fear.
He did not run, sprint, gallop, flee, or even so much as give me a guilty look. He simply sat there, enjoying his late snack and ignoring the fact that at any second he could incur the wrath of the being for whom his good fortune is dependant upon.
Long and short, I was pretty much done, and god damn, he’s just to cute. So I managed to snag some pic’s:

I couldn't sleep any more even if i was a cat

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Jul 132003

- Remember Dennis’s Cheerio Theory of Parking? Here’s a more scientific explanation.
- LOL? That’s so 90′s, the cool thing is to use L5+.
- Hit your wife with a pillow, go to jail. Break into your neighbor’s house and try to kill them, go free. Justice surrenders.
- Proven ways to prevent sex, that is aside from leaving the lights on or only having 9 1/2 fingers and the glimmer in your eye of a dying house plant.
And now, your moment of Zen, Caption this pic:

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Bad tyler, bad!

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Jul 112003

- Here’s a video about a touching love tryst between a toy poodle, a stuffed animal, and a video camera.

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