Cats and socks

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Feb 262011

update: don’t know how but I seem to have left out the video in the original post.

So yesterday Melissa was over and the conversation got on the topic of cats and she said “you know if you put a sock on a cat they fall over right?”.

Well no I did not know that. However I have socks. And I also have cats. Time for SCIENCE!

The end results seems to be that laser pointer wins out over sock induced paralysis.

Making some progress on the master bath finally

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Feb 202011

I was actually pretty shocked at how well drilling the holes for the water supplies and drain went considering the thickness. I used a special 1 1/4″ tile saw to punch through down to the ditra layer and then just used wood spade bits from there. Nothing major cracked (at least nothing that the flange won’t cover and to be honest after all the apprehension it was a pretty pedestrian experience.

It got the drains hooked up to the tub too. Pretty excited about that…at first I was afraid I was going to have to use a Dremel cutting wheel on the pipe but then I remembered a big honking pipe cutter I had that belonged to my grandfather. Worked pretty good and by the second test cut I think things were going well.

Honestly I think the hardest thing was keeping the kids out of the bathroom long enough for me to work. Although even though I wrapped my wrenches in electrical tape a few scratches happened. No clue how the pro’s avoid that yet still get things tight enough not to leak.

What do you mean I can never put the baby down?

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Feb 182011

It’s been an interesting four months adjusting to having a little baby in the house again with two older kids as well. We are still attempting to figure out how things mesh altogether however I have come up with a few ideas. My best idea so far is “baby shoes”….never again will you need to worry about cold feet or even having any feeling in them at all!

To be honest I made it father than I thought I would…which was 5 feet.

Of course I don’t just sit around trying to form Voltron with the kids all day. Sometimes I like to have use of my arms and strap one of them to my torso. Usually this would put Tabitha to sleep or at least appease her…..usually being the key word here.

Alas even I sometimes need to use the bathroom so that leads us to the current last resort since the court ordered me to halt production of my line of “baby cages” (even came in pink…you know for girls) which is the baby jumperoo.

Time flies when your outnumbered

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Feb 152011

Here is a video that Jen took yesterday of Tabitha making a whole bunch noise smacking her lips. It’s scary to think she’s already 3 1/2 months old and already seeming like a little person instead of a sleeping/eating/pooing machine. Hmmm…ok well let’s just say an eating sleeping pooping machine with a personality.

Home repair so bad that it made my camera an hero?

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Feb 072011

This weekend I finally got around to caulking the master bathroom using the Laticrete Raven Caulk I had ordered a few weeks ago. I spent a lot of time doing prep work and taping things off because to be quite honest I suck at caulking. It is one of my least favorite things to do and it almost always looks horrible when I’m done.

As you can see I’m a little nuts but I’ve never worked with sanded caulk before so why not spend a little time to make sure you do it right (or as right as I can….again I suck at caulking). Only took me a couple of hours and the caulk itself was pretty easy to smooth with just a wet finger after about 10 minutes of cure time. The beads are large to compensate for the cuts (the tile is 20″….and my cuts were the best I could do) and I’d rather put a little extra in there than not have enough. Personally I think it came out pretty ok and the caulk really really matches the grout.

The funny part is after I snapped those two pics above my camera pulled “an hero” and threw up an a90 error. No clue what happened to cause it (although the replacement battery can be loose sometimes an cut off power) so pretty much I had a fancy paperweight. Thankfully there were directions online how to fix it that I found. Basically you drop a rom image onto it and then access a secret menu to force it to reload the firmware. Pretty straightforward but completely annoying. I also discovered that I couldn’t get Win7 to read my darn Pentax Optio S4 so I had to use an XP machine I had to do the work. The only hitch I ran across was that I kept getting an 0x100b error when trying to load the firmware but re-extracting it from the zip file and copying it over again solved that.

Glad to have my little work camera back…I know we have newer and fancier ones but I still like my little camera that fits in an Altoids tin.

Has anyone seen my dog???

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Feb 022011

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