My girlfriend can beat me up :(

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Apr 302004

Any one here have Nextel? I do… I think the service is great, but the phones are expensive and clunky. So when my nephew needed a new one to replace his i30 I figured I could just buy a used i90 online and swap out his SIM card. Simple right?……
Nothing I do is simple. That’s what I get for trying to help…..think i’d learn by now.
So I buy a used i90 online and it arrives the next week as planned. It wasn’t packed very well and had more scratches on it than I expected. But aside from that it seemed to be in pretty good condition for $65 bucks….
So I put a SIM card in it from an i30…but can’t get it to work. Tried my i60′s real quick…no joy. So I figured that the phone just needs to be registered or something. So I give it to my nephew and send him on his merry way. The next day he call’s me and explains that he can’t get the phone to work. He’s called Nextel and even brought to a Nextel dealer.
The phone powers on, reads the SIM…everything looks fine, but it just can’t get a signal. Even holding another i90 next to it show’s that it should work just fine. So I take the phone apart…figure there’s some type of dirty connection or short somewhere.

Here you can see the main guts, due to previous experience, I’m pretty good at taking these things apart :-(
So here’s the long and short of it, see that circuit board in the pic on the left. The one with the circle in it? That’s where the antenna assembly’s located…also you can tell this phone’s been taken apart…poorly before. Probably swapping cases or something else. Basically, whoever took it apart last fried the transmitter assembly (probably keyed up without the antenna on it….moron).
After sleeping on it for a night, it occured to me that the i60 has a similar type board (almost identical). So what I could do it swap the transmitter boards or try swapping the faceplates (which I still suspect would work).
Now I tried to get a replacement board for the i90…but the authorized Nextel repair center wouldn’t sell me one, and told me that if I had them try to fix it Motorola would just ship it back “Non-repairable”.
So basically, I swapped the circuit board from my perfectly working i60 with the one in the i90 and voila! Works like a charm. Of course I had originally bought the phone for somebody else…not myself. So now I have an i90…and I got the guy who sold it to me go give me back $25 bucks.
Kinda still pissed, but I got an upgrade out of it. Guess it coulda been worse. Now if i could just get my hands on a broken i60 cheap I could ressurect it.

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i90 from HELL!!!!

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Apr 292004

Which electrical outlet do you like more? Please feel free to comment:
Plain old plastic white:

Painted metal:

Look at this quarter round! really came out great!

Here is Jen putting in a new white outlet

This picture was taken moment’s before Jen nailed her hand to the floor :-P

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believe it or not i am busy

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Apr 282004

What a beautiful day for a bike ride! Just a little to windy, but much warmer than yesterday.
There’s a few benefits to riding the bike to work, aside from the enjoyment of the ride it’s self. Usually you can worm your way into a decent parking spot that a car couldn’t.
Now there are a few basic’s of motorcycle courtesy/procedure in parking lots.
1. Never pull all the way into a spot. That way a car won’t try to whip into the spot to part because they can’t see your bike until it’s to late.
2. Always lock your forks. That way somebody can’t just push your bike away.
3. When parking at a location where you KNOW there are other biker’s don’t take up the ENTIRE FUCKING SPOT MORON!
There is no god forsaken reason besides pure stupidity and rudeness that one bike need’s a whole space. You can easily fit 2 bikes in the parking space for one car, and it free’s up room for everyone else.
here’s a pic referencing what I mean.
That way I wouldn’t have to squeeze my ass next to some shit for brains on an R1 who decides to play connect four with the parking space. *grrrrrr*

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Good love never dies, it' only hurts when we burn our eyes

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Apr 282004

So I have now been trained to be a CO Tech. More specifically I have been trained to be a Frametech in a CO.
In preperation for a possible strike with CWA, SBC has been training manager’s to take over craft job’s if neccessary. That means “desk jockey’s” will be doing the stuff union guys have been doing like:
- I & R: Installation and Repair of residental phone lines
- CO Tech: Connect jumper pairs and DSL lines in CO
- Climb poles
- Answer phones
You get the idea, pretty much everything that actually requires more than sitting at a desk (except for the phone people).
So I now can access database records of phone lines, run jumper’s, throw up shoes and check for load coils….yada yada all that happy crap.
Here’s one piece of advice I’m going to give. If you have SBC for a telco….and the union does strike….don’t do a freakin’ thing with your phone line. Don’t move, don’t add new service, don’t get DSL….seriously. I’ve been in these training classes, and that was for an easy job….you don’t want some of these people touching your lines. They’re nice, but some are dumb as a box of hammer’s.
- Think your day suck’s? Trust me, it’s not as bad as this kid’s.
- New hybrid concept car from Toyota…..strangly arrosed by it :)
- Movie companies putting the screw’s to customers with multiple DVD releases. 1st edition DVD releases to now be called “sucker releases”.
- Here’s a good reason to turn off the lights when leaving a room. If not, it could make the cops think your growing pot.

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random pic livejornal

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Apr 252004

- Here is a mysterious random image viewer that pull’s from Live Journal. It’s pretty neat actually…
- Sicky Mouse…..possibly NSFW…but really just kinda disturbing.
- This would go great with my Akira motorcycle.
Awwww….snugglin’ kitties

Juliet is slowly destroying the couch…damn you gravity!

adopt your own virtual pet!

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- Only $44.95 while

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Apr 212004

- Only $44.95 while supplies last.
- Rare early video of Christina Aguilera.
Slim pickings today, I’m really busy…but they’re both really good links. Especially the first one.

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- Scary ATM scam

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Apr 202004

- Scary ATM scam going on…look at the pretty pictures.
- Think your getting a Dell? Think again sucka!
- Remember that Evil car movie I posted earlier? The one where the cat get’s decapitated? Well….
Ok…time to go to bed. Due to the possibility of a strike, I’m being trained all week (and weekend…) to be a CO tech…..
No, i’m not kidding…… :(

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If I only had a brain.

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Apr 172004

I meant to link this video yesterday, but must have been distracted with all that was going on at work. So here ya go:
- Nibbler goes crazy.
We can only assume he has given in to madness, because there is no other possible reason for what he just did.

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Today is kitty day

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Apr 162004

Ok, you know I got a new camera… i’ve been taking alot of new pictures. As a result I’m kinda over flowing so here’s a bunch of them, but first:
- Here’s a video for all you cat hater’s. Evil car vs. kitty cat. (this is not real, it’s a fake commercial…I really do love cats)
now for the cute kitty pics:
This is what happened when the DISH/SBC guys came to install

Gizmo is the cutest cat, but has some serious issues

Does nibbler look surprised?

Chloe’s losing air…

Juliet and her tasty new friend

Quarter round is actually very good for the digestive system…

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you can't have none of this, cause you can't handle this!

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Apr 142004

Something’s been bothering me for some time now, and I just can’t keep it to myself any longer.
There’s something even more wrong than normal with television lately. The ratio of hot chicks to normal guys is way off the charts, and we need 500mg’s of realility stat!
See this is how they plan it, they don’t throw supermodel’s in these sitcoms, but they put women that obviously wouldn’t be with the leading male to attract the ugly guy demographic. See these not only attract men because they are good looking, but also because it give the false hope that there’s a snowball’s chance in hell they could bag a hottie. It’s so subversive it’s not funny…you don’t realize it until it’s to late and then you find yourself sucked in and unable to break the spell.
It’s everywhere you look:
- King of Queens
- Still Standing
- Everybody loves Raymond
- According to Jim
And the worst part is all of these lead guys are nice guy’s. Don’t get me wrong…a lot of them are ex stand up comic’s and are funny as hell. But the characters they portray always have such modest job’s…like ups guy. Let’s run with that for a minute. For all the ladies out there, when was the last time you had the desire to hump an overweight, receiding hair lined ups driver in his late 30′s? I mean seriously? Or how about a sports colum writer? Or a loveable, mid-western raised contractor?
They don’t have looks, they don’t have money. I’m thinking that the lesson here is either “knockem up on the first date, after you drug them and have sex with their lifeless passed out body” or “have a huge penis”.
Seriously…that would so explain all the penis pill commercials on tv lately. Because nothing says I need a larger penis like Mike Ditka throwing a football through a moving tire swing *shudder*. I mean if after coaching the bears and having restaurants with his name on them he can’t afford high class poontang, he needs more help than a little pill can give.
I think that’s the ticket, we’re all being manipulated. The networks believe they can convice us that it’s not the fact that we need to shave our backs, have beer guts, or live with our mothers. If only we had larger penis’s we could bag attractive wifes….regardless of being a manager of long john’s silver, or delivering packages for a living. Don’t you see we’re all sheep being lead into the slaughterhouse full of viagra and double chins.
When was the last time you saw a real fugly couple like Allin the Family or so?
That reminds me, when did MTV stop playing music videos? Remember when they used to play video’s all day? Now it’s just all this reality tv/slut-a-thon’s crap that dribble’s out of the tv like an old buritto from a fragile traveler’s colon. Which reminds me, what cum rag decided TRL needed an awards show? For the love of god and all that’s holy, they don’t even play entire music video’s! Are the award speeches going to only be 30 minutes too? For that matter, are they going to air the same damn award speeches again and again with the same hour? I mean hell thats what they do with the video’s.
Arg….well gonna go try to find something to do that doesn’t make me feel stupider afterwards.. guess that rules out television.

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