I watch a lot of anime….some of you know that….so yesterday I finished watching Nadia: Secret of the blue water & . Which I was able to justify purchasing thanks to some christmas best buy gift cards (thanks Donna)
At first I was disappointed when I watched it…seemed really kiddy and not what I was looking for. But as time went by the storyline and everything really grew on me. Now having finished it, I have to say it’s probably one of the best series I’ve seen. It’s sad to say, but there just aren’t production values now like there were back in the early 90′s. Today it’s all CG and fanboyism.
Now, the collection also comes with nadia: the motion picture. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and watch it…time allowing of course. In the end though it was just a huge pile of suck…and I honestly recommend not watching it if you get the chance. As this review of the motion picture explains, it’s B-A-D.
Now..to find something else to watch until I can convince Jen to let me buy the
- Somebody sent me a link to a hilarious version of the old “bunch of cops fall of a ladder video“. Apparently somebody put the benny hill theme “yakety sax” to it….never gets old.
- I love it when the town I went to High School in get’s in the news. 19 year old calls 911 from trunk, later found dead.
- The Essence of Douchebag. I coller popped a pink shirt in 8th grade…i burned the pictures after getting my ass kicked though.
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