Probably one of the best, if not the best, reality TV show on the air right now is the Amazing Race. Now we’ve seen 5,6,7 I think, but Game show network just started rebroadcasting the show from the very beginning.
Also, this was just to good to leave buried in the comments section. Nick has waaaay to much time on his hands…plus I’d hate to have to kill him for blowing my cover:
7 Reasons why Dennis Judd is a closet gangsta rapper:
I intend to show that Dennis Judd desparately wants to be a gansta rapper, but is inhibited from doing so by his whiteness.
1. A history of posting police brutality/stupidity strewn with phrases like “bad cop, no donut!” This shows us a lack of respect for authority in general, especially evident for police officers, and being one of the most common gangsta rapper traits.
2. The perception that the music he is listening to should be listened to by everyone else…hence the manifestation of the “Listening To” section. This is our first example of an inhibited pre-gangsta rapper stage…as the real gangsta rappers accomplish this by BLARING thier rib rattling music out of their cars at intersections. Same motives, differing methods.
3. An intense appreciation for alcohol. Gangsta rappers tend to stick to one or two types of liquour usually of the malt type. Dennis feels this same affection for the bottle, but must do so in a socially acceptable, overly white, masterpiece theater sort of way with a beer review web site. We all know that he just wants to get smashed like the rest of us, but the great white inhibiting force that keeps Dennis from realizing his destiny as a gangsta rapper prevails again and requires that he justify his desires in a socially acceptable way. Once again…same motives different methods.
4. The bling anything craft kit web site post…nuff said
5. Ahh I remember the ghetto prom post…what most didn’t realize at the time was that Dennis was the one who acutally took those pictures.
6. A predisposition to post articles related to municpal, police, and government “wrong doing” in other words Dennis regularly calls out “the man” when “the man” is abusing his power. I can’t even describe how gangsta that is.
7. He has a disgruntled and almost conflict-ridden relationship with his neighbors. I don’t imagine there’s a single gansta rapper in the world that gets along with his neighbors. A real gangsta rapper fires bullets into their neighbor’s living room…Dennis is considering parking his car in front of their house. How long till true colors show and this escalates into gang war.
The motivated young man we see remodeling his house and customizing his vehicle is a facade. Beneath this mild mannered exterior lies a straight up futhamuckin thug just waiting to come out and take over the Chicago criminal underground….you heard it here first
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