It's been about 6or

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Jul 312005

It’s been about 6or 7 years now, but I’ve finally finished Zelda: Link’s Awakening on the Game boy advance.

I’ve stopped and started this thing twice, and I finally forced myself to beat the damn thing. Now after finishing Golden Sun and Golden Sun 2 I am officially out of portable games to play.
I”m hoping to pickup Final Fantasy I & II for the Gameboy Advance…we’ll see next time I go to Gamestop.
Yesterday we spent the day at a mutual friends wedding. Congrats to Rick and Kristin for their gettin’ hitched.

Probably the best part was at the reception, they put us at a table full of moral degenerates and perverts. We fit right in :)
Of course, as a result, on their “wedding wishes” cards it now says D.V.D.A, but I had to bust out my A game just to keep up. So it’s really not my fault.
Some cute cat pictures you say? Why yes I do have some..

- Think your car is safe in your garage? Not always, Ferrari flattened by pickup truck. Stupid ass kid reaching for cell phone caused about 200k of damage! Gonna be paying that off for a looooong time jackass. Wanna see pics? Damn straight you do.

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Selling out tothe man

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Jul 282005

So I’ve decided to start pimping SBC Yahoo! DSL…couple of reasons:
1. I really do think it’s a great product
2. I’ve been helping people and fixing lines for year, that’s a lot of customers I’ve helped the company keep and saved from tier one hell.
3. It looks good on my permanent record (possibly the same record that keeps track of all my highschool detentions…not sure).
So there you have it. In exchange I will continue to do what I’ve basically done for free all along, answer questions and help people get the most of out of DSL and try to make the experience as painless as possible.
I want everyone’s internet to be as reliable as the water from your tap, or the electricity in your walls. It just works.
So if anyone wants to help, or decideds to order SBC Yahoo! DSL or any other SBC service, click the link at the top and follow the directions…and I magically get credit…supposedly. I don’t think they’ll give me a free PS3 or Ipod though :) (spam joke there folks….)
Ok…links, we have some links:
- This is your cat. This is your cat on catnip. Any questions? Very funny video if you love cats.
- Old by now…but ouch!
- I’ve already arranged a buyer for one of my kidney’s so I can get this keyboard.

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my eyes are tired...

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Jul 262005

I am so sick of talking about bgp, acl’s and dyncamic ldap acl updates…works just a little overwhelming at times. But when somebody suggests we add a whole new bras, domain filter, and re IP every customer as opposed to just fixing ldap to pass a secondary ip route statement…well it’s just frustrating.
Anyways, i’ve been slacking since the BBQ so where are a flurry of links I have saved up for whoever it is visits here:
- Konfabulator. Every use it? Well it’s free now. The basic weather plugin it comes with is uber cool…give it a try you’ll like it. It’s a desktop, widget kinda thinking, like object dock, but with updating content. Right now it’s monitoring the weather, time, cpu load, and local traffic for me.
- Cool video of Chris Pheiffer doing some amazing stunts at a bike show.
- 12year old boy killed after running into traffic from driver of car he shot bottle rockets at. Well…at least he’ll never do it again.
- If you are in a 3rd world country, and you see a bunch of guys poking around at a briefcase…RUN!
- Everything you needed to know about computers is on this page.

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a whole lot of nothing

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Jul 242005

For the past month or so we’ve been spinning up for this BBQ we’re had yesterday. God I’m glad that’s over :)
I look at like this, it was a great motivator to get lot’s of things done around the house. Blacktop the driveway, replace the rotting outside wood, paint the trim, clean the deck, etc, etc. So it was great that we got all that done, it’s just that I underestimated how damn hard doing all that would be.
Over all I think things went well, and it gave me the excuse to play with streaming video again ;) Honestly though I really wish I had one of those fancy wireless webcams that are their own servers…that’s pretty damn cool…
Did you know that Windows Media Encoder has a hard set default of 5 maximum connectons? Even with a low fps of 32kb, you can’t change it…it’s not even an option anywhere in the program. You have to actually go into the freakin’ registry to change it manually??!!! If I hand’t seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it.
It’s just insane. Microsoft even has a knowledge base article on it.
Oh well, at least now we’ve been able to break in the desk and patio set. I always wanted to have a large BBQ when I moved in. I’m still not sure if it was better that it was slightly overcast and cooler, as opposed to sunny. At least it didn’t rain much, just a couple of showers. Of course today, after it’s all over, is a beautiful day. Hot as hell, but it looks prettier.
Oh yeah, and I got to drive a prius :) All together there were 2 prius’s, 1 Ford Escape Hybrid and my car :)

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Jul 212005

So how does UPS deliver your Hard Drive to you?

Screen capture from somebodys’ (really super cool) home video system. There’s also a video I’ve mirrored here locally:
Video of UPS guy playing bozo buckets w/ hard drive.
So if you live in Lindenhurst, NY don’t order anything fragile. Or you’ll end up doing this at your desk:

(originally from Nick…damn embedded objects)
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go back to sitting at the window waiting for UPS to deliver my new 700m laptop. It’s like christmas all over again…except much more expensive…

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playing around with video again

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Jul 202005

I was bored earlier, so I decided to play around again with streaming video. Living in an apartment though was much easier to capture everything….here I can only pick on limited angle in a single room.
Anyways, still using WME…it was still setup from last time, except now my machie has more RAM, but then again it also has SP2 and Norton System works…so that kinda kills any benefit from ram.
The only real thing I had to do was setup a dynamic DNS solution (I used no-ip), reup the *.asx file w/ the addy in it (wme uses port 4791 by default, not 1121), and add a server mapping to my router pointing all port 4791 to my local lan ip. Nothing amazing….
Only annoying thing is that firefox doesn’t seem to support asx natively….of course why would it? Not like it comes with activex installed, so there’s nothing I can say besides use IE.
- Don’t put a bottle rocket in you butt cheeks and try to fire it. Apparently I should have typed that twice.
- Video tape of somebody taking a sniper shot at an american soldier. Supposedly captured from an enemy, it shows what a difference body armor makes.
- Have you had your daily kitten? Sure are a lot of cat orientated sites out there suddenly…
- Another crazy guy trying to do a motorcycle stunt. Best part is the cry he lets out before landing.
- Blonde on a bike vs. RC car. Guess who get’s hurt more.
- Long…looong read about one man’s battle against Dell and the laptop from hell. Good read, but did I mention it was long?

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new toys...

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Jul 192005

I’ve been looking for a new wireless router on the cheap, and was pointed towards this one at Compusa for $4.99 after rebates

Isn’t it cute? The rebates were a pain in the butt, since I picked up a PCI wireless card also for $9.99. Though you have to be careful since some stores aren’t honoring the rebate. Had to fill out 4 forms…but the rebate form tells you the store #’s that aren’t honoring it.
Either way, cute little guy, and I already have him setup as just an AP (my 5861 is doing the NAT, DHCP, yadda yadda). The palm pilot seems to like him (802.11b) so one of these day’s I’ll get around to putting the PCI card in my main machine.
Oh yeah, and I pressure washed the desk last night…3 hours of fun and dirt. By the way, when using a pressure washer, try to keep it away from your toes. Kinda stings.
Apparently has solved it’s bandwidth woes….so go check out stuff on cats.

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ha! ha!

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Jul 172005

Today’s High 95 degree’s.
What does Dennis choose to do?
1. Sit inside play video games and drink
2. Knit a fantastic little pair of mittens
3. Paint the garage door and blacktop the driveway.
Did you know that those gel based driveway sealer’s are acidic? Of course I’m only assuming that from the chemical burns on my legs from where it splashed on me. Although it does help me keep my mind off the ginormous blister on the webbing between my thumb and forefinger….

btw…finally found where those damn ha!ha! guy images were coming from that I see all the time on….

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who do you think you are?

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Jul 152005

God I don’t really want to go do the dishes…
I suppose it could be worse, I could be stuck working at a bookstore on the night of the Harry Potter release until 2am..
Ever watch Lingo? It’s this game show where you have to guess 5 letter words hosted by Chuck Woolery and Stacey Hayes. Seriously, Chuck is freakin’ hilarious at times. Can’t belive some of the stuff he gets away with saying on the air. Anyways the “tournament of champions” was on today, and a team was unable to figure out the word, so it went to the other team with a bonus letter. And I shit you not, the word they couldn’t get was “owned“.

Now that’s irony.
Jen picked up the New Fannypack CD ay and an older Tegan and Sara CD called . So far so good, but I really have to say I was impressed by the Fannypack CD. They’ve gotten better since their last CD and i’m glad to see they didn’t just give up after their song cameltoe got labeled as a one hit wonder. You can actually if your interested.

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Amazing race

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Jul 142005

Probably one of the best, if not the best, reality TV show on the air right now is the Amazing Race. Now we’ve seen 5,6,7 I think, but Game show network just started rebroadcasting the show from the very beginning.
Also, this was just to good to leave buried in the comments section. Nick has waaaay to much time on his hands…plus I’d hate to have to kill him for blowing my cover:
7 Reasons why Dennis Judd is a closet gangsta rapper:
I intend to show that Dennis Judd desparately wants to be a gansta rapper, but is inhibited from doing so by his whiteness.
1. A history of posting police brutality/stupidity strewn with phrases like “bad cop, no donut!” This shows us a lack of respect for authority in general, especially evident for police officers, and being one of the most common gangsta rapper traits.
2. The perception that the music he is listening to should be listened to by everyone else…hence the manifestation of the “Listening To” section. This is our first example of an inhibited pre-gangsta rapper stage…as the real gangsta rappers accomplish this by BLARING thier rib rattling music out of their cars at intersections. Same motives, differing methods.
3. An intense appreciation for alcohol. Gangsta rappers tend to stick to one or two types of liquour usually of the malt type. Dennis feels this same affection for the bottle, but must do so in a socially acceptable, overly white, masterpiece theater sort of way with a beer review web site. We all know that he just wants to get smashed like the rest of us, but the great white inhibiting force that keeps Dennis from realizing his destiny as a gangsta rapper prevails again and requires that he justify his desires in a socially acceptable way. Once again…same motives different methods.
4. The bling anything craft kit web site post…nuff said
5. Ahh I remember the ghetto prom post…what most didn’t realize at the time was that Dennis was the one who acutally took those pictures.
6. A predisposition to post articles related to municpal, police, and government “wrong doing” in other words Dennis regularly calls out “the man” when “the man” is abusing his power. I can’t even describe how gangsta that is.
7. He has a disgruntled and almost conflict-ridden relationship with his neighbors. I don’t imagine there’s a single gansta rapper in the world that gets along with his neighbors. A real gangsta rapper fires bullets into their neighbor’s living room…Dennis is considering parking his car in front of their house. How long till true colors show and this escalates into gang war.
The motivated young man we see remodeling his house and customizing his vehicle is a facade. Beneath this mild mannered exterior lies a straight up futhamuckin thug just waiting to come out and take over the Chicago criminal underground….you heard it here first

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