I'm buying a damn chainsaw

Daily Log 1 Response »
May 302004

Another freakin’ tree fell after the storms here! I swear to god…by the time it finally stops raining and I get all these tree’s cut up I’m gonna need a scythe to cut it.

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AOL 9.0 on a P166Mhz...ouch!

Daily Log 1 Response »
May 282004

Added a few pics:
A fortune I actually got:

Pretty much how I feel about most what I read:

AOL 9.0 is set us up the bomb:

- Need some wallpapers for dual displays? How about a program to help you utilize them better?
- Problems with your car lately? Replacing the probably is a good idea. Also make sure to check the level of your blinker fluid.
- Unstable

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May 272004

- Wow, a charity taking money and keeping it for themselves? Next thing you know you’ll be telling me that priests molest children….
remember kids, somewhere, somehow, there’s a fat white guy getting rich off it.
- A message from corporate america thanking you for your hard work. Considering the recent event’s in my life, a funny video.

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yes, I'm still alive technically

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May 272004

Since probably just about everyone knows the strike ended early tuesday morning, your probably wondering where the hell I’ve been.
I’ve been slowly recovering from the strike work I had to do. Working 13 hour days in a job i’ve never done before was a little stressful, and really drained my mental batteries.
The sad part is, the job is easy once you learn it. I mean really easy….the kinda stuff I do all the time around the house. The only hard part was pulling the orders, and then decyphering them. What really pisses me off (aside from the tech’s hiding their tools on us) was by the time I was just starting to get good at it, the strike was over. On the bright side, reading cosmic frame designations is now easy as pie.
Gonna go share ‘war stories’ now……SCAB!

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I keep hearing phones in my head.

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May 232004

Labor union officials enjoy many extraordinary powers and immunities
that were created by legislatures and the courts. Union officials
claim to rely on the support of rank-and-file workers. Yet, they
clamor in the political arena to secure and expand their
government-granted powers, including the powers to shake down workers
for financial support and even to wage campaigns of violent
retaliation against non-union employees.
The following list of special privileges reveals the extent
to which union bosses have rigged our nation’s labor laws in their
Privilege #1: Exemption from prosecution for union violence.
The most egregious example of organized labor’s special privileges and
immunities is the 1973 United States v. Enmons decision. In it, the
United States Supreme Court held that union violence is exempted from
the Hobbs Act, which makes it a federal crime to obstruct interstate
commerce by robbery or extortion. As a result, thousands of incidents
of violent assaults (directed mostly against workers) by union
militants have gone unpunished. Meanwhile, many states also restrict
the authority of law enforcement to enforce laws during strikes.
For more exceptions keep reading….

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I dreampt I was dreaming

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May 232004

Another glorious day here in WI as I prepare to swim to the CO. Yesterday was a lot better, as I slowly get the hang of working in the CO. The picketer’s mainly stayed in the front of the building and weren’t even there when we got there and when we left (8 to 5 I guess….). We even went out for lunch and nobody even noticed us.
As for the work…..running jumper’s is pretty freakin’ easy, it’s just figuring out where to do is the hard part. Well gotta get going…..

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Dahmer Party: Day 3

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May 222004

If I have to read one more union person talking about unity I think I’m going to vomit all over myself.
The thing is people….I don’t want to be here. I don’t what to stay in a hotel, drive in a car with 4 other people, eat crappy food, work in a dark, cold, windowless CO all day, and I for sure don’t want “thur job’s”. I just want the union and sbc to reach a decision and get things back to normal.
What I find it most hard to understand is the hatred against management workers. They must know that we don’t want to be there, and that we don’t have a choice. Striking is one thing, picketing is another, but insulting and calling people names who don’t even want to be there. I guess what makes it even worse is the pride they take in intimidating people who don’t want to even be doing what they are doing. It’s like high school all over again. Prank calls, name calling, calling all the telephones, and chanting over the frame horn.
Well if you’ll excuse me, I have to get going…seems falling asleep the minute I got back to the hotel room wasn’t enough, so now I have to go chug coffee before I get to cross the picket line…..

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SBC vs. CWA: Day One

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May 202004

Apparently Austrailia does not want you to import certain things….this for example:

Kinda hard to blame them….but the worse part is I want one now :)
So here I am, sitting in a hotel room on getting ready for the CWA strike to begin tomorrow. And I’m already bored out of my freaking mind. The dialup here can only go about 26-24k, and the wireless is 5 bucks a day…:( Plus I have to drive 40 minutes for some stupid orientation meeting tonight and then wake up and be to “work” by 7am.
I’m really curious what the picket lines are going to be like……

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SBC vs. CWA: Day -1

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May 202004

Just got back from a 9pm meeting…damn tired, have to be up at 5am to get ready to cross picket lines. Nobody want’s to take a personal car for fear the union picketer’s will “damage” it….so we all have to car pool.
I’m lucky that i’m in one of the larger CO’s I guess…but with no microwave or fridge, it will make trying to eat an ordeal if the union decides to be asses and block the driveways.
Technically they can get away with so much shit it isn’t funny. They can take pictures of you, but you can’t of them (it’s considered intimidation of the union), they can block driveway’s for extended periods of time (imagine waiting 15 minutes to drive through.
I hope none of that happens….guess I’ll find out tomorrow…goodnight..

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Dear Crackhead

Uncategorized 2 Responses »
May 192004

Yes, you. You sick fucker. On Wednesday morning I
emerged from my girlfriend’s building by U.N. Plaza to
find that you had sawed the tops off both the
sparkplugs on my motorcycle. At the time, I had no
idea why anyone would do that. Other than the
sparkplugs, the bike was untouched. Some kind of
bizarre vandalism? A fraternity prank gone awry? I had
no idea. All I knew is that I looked like a huge
douchebag riding the Muni to work in a padded
motorcycle jacket and helmet.
Because the bike was immobilized I got a $35 street
sweeping ticket that night. Thursday I had it towed to
the shop ($45) where they replaced the sparkplugs and
the boots ($50 including labor). They explained to me
that “people” – I use the term loosely here – like you
break off the tops of spark plugs and use the
porcelain tubes to smoke crack. As an engineer and
former MacGyver fan, in a way I think this is kind of
cool. But then I remember that I just paid $100 for
YOUR crackpipes, and I get angry again.
Crackhead, it was really good to have my bike back
though. I rode home from the shop with a couple of
spare sparkplugs and a smile on my face. I figured the
next time I parked at my girlfriend’s place overnight
I would have to buy some crackpipes and tape them to
my bike as a peace offering. Overall, I wasn’t that
upset. Despite having to ride the bus for three days
and dropping a hundred bones at the shop, I had gained
some fascinating knowledge, a new set of sparkplugs,
and a pretty funny anecdote about how fucked up you
are, and how our paths once crossed briefly in the
But you couldn’t just let sleeping dogs lie, could you
Crackhead. You couldn’t just stay in on Friday, watch
Letterman through the window of a home electronics
store and then call it a night. You couldn’t rest on
your laurels. Two porcelain sparkplug crackpipes just
wasn’t enough for you, was it Crackhead? You just had
to come back for more.
This morning, a scant fifteen hours after I rode it
out of the shop, I found my motorcycle violated once
again. This time you only took the right one – maybe
you were having an off night. At least this time I had
a spare sparkplug and the tools to fix it – or so I
thought – having ordered a 73-piece toolset from
SEARS.com last week. But no, the sparkplug socket in
my new toolset was for American sparkplugs. So I had
to go down to the neighborhood Ace hardware. They had
an 18mm socket that would fit over my sparkplug, but
it was for a 1/2″ drive ratchet. My toolkit only has
1/4″ and 3/8″ ratchets. So I had to buy a 1/2″ ratchet
along with the socket. Even though the clerk took pity
on me and gave me the senior citizen discount (I’m 25)
it still cost me $22 all told. Now, you might say that
I should have just gotten a 3/8″-to-1/2″ drive adaptor
instead of springing for the whole ratchet. And to
that I say “Shut the hell up, Crackhead, I’m not
finished. And besides, I was eventually going to buy a
1/2″ ratchet anyway so it’s probably not worth it to
take it back now.”
OK, now I’m rambling. But the point is, Crackhead,
that you have done me wrong. Now, I get that you love
crack. That is totally understandable. I’ve heard it
is really fun, at first, and quite addictive. What I
don’t understand is,
I am an engineer. Do you ever see me shaking down bums
in the Loin for a calculator and sliderule? No, you
don’t. Because engineering is the main thing I do, I
went and bought myself a calculator. The main thing
you do is crack. How do you get by without a
crackpipe? The other crackheads must clown on you
non-stop. I mean, the fucking saw you used to saw off
my sparkplugs is probably worth five or ten bucks. Why
not sell or trade it for a crackpipe? You really
haven’t put much thought into this, have you?
Please, Crackhead, please don’t tell me you sold your
crackpipe to buy crack. Even a stupid crackhead such
as yourself couldn’t possibly be that stupid.
I’ve decided that taping crackpipes to my motorcycle
would be tantamount to appeasement. You have crossed a
line, Crackhead – specifically California Street. You
have come onto my own street and you have desecrated
that which I hold dear. You have stolen from me, and
you have caused me to spend the last half hour writing
this post instead of engineering shit, and it is
concievable, if not likely, that my boss could find
out about this and fire me. I am hella pissed at you
Here are my options as I see them:
1. Write a note saying that I have coated both of my
sparkplugs in rat poison and tape it to my bike at
night. You can thank Tim for that one, it was his
2. Don’t write a note, but just coat both sparkplugs
in rat poison. This is probably closer to a punishment
that would fit your despicable crime. I’m sure this is
super illegal and shit, but it’s not like anyone is
going to miss you, Crackhead. Don’t fool yourself.
3. Wait in an alley near my bike armed with my new
stainless steel mirror-finish Ace Professional brand
1/2″ drive socket wrench, my 18mm sparkplug socket,
and my searing rage. It’s pretty heavy and well
balanced. I am not a large man, but I am angry.
In conclusion, Crackhead, why don’t you just do both
of us a favor and buy yourself a crackpipe? It will
both enhance your crack smoking experience and save me
a lot of time and felony assault charges. Think about

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