Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse?
Are video games preparing our kids for life after the apocalypse?
Totally forgot about Are you Being Served
Back when I was a kid I used to watch a lot of late night TV on PBS, and I totally forgot about “Are You Being Served” until I heard that Wendy Richard passed away. It’s funny that a lot of the stuff they did back then you could probably never get away with on American TV even today.
The credit crisis visualized
If you have any interest in this subject then I highly recommend watching this video.
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Oh no...not again
You might remember an earlier post about Connor’s fascination with the Xbox controller. Well it seems that Amelia has taken a shine to the Halo Wars demo now as well.
Aha! I got it. Now if I move this stick and press this button, I will win the game and show Daddy a thing or two about how to play the Halo Wars demo:
For fans of lolcats and Metallica
I forgot all about this, Stacey sent it to me a while ago. It’s a huuuuge thread from an anonymous chan site with lol cat pictures to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman”.
Jen created a space/time fissure in our microwave yesterday
Yesterday Jen was microwaving something for just a few minutes when the microwave started making a wierd fizzy noise and the light started to flicker on and off in it. When I opened it up later on that day this is what I found.
So I’m guessing that what happened is in the past the bulb burnt out and the previous owners just replaced it with a candelabra bulb instead of an appliance bulb (which I didn’t even know they made).
coming up for air
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on my site and for good reason. Statistics is one hell of a kick in the pants when it comes to work. Haven’t turned the PS3 or Xbox 360 on all week, and have pretty much been staying up late every night to study. I am learning a lot but it’s a lot to learn via an internet course in your spare time. Today was my first exam so I’m hoping I did alright despite there being a few technical glitches (missing add-ins for excel 2007) that made doing boxplots a little hard.
I found it funny that the two girls behind the counter at the testing center recognized me after two months since my last internet course. They’re usually always really nice to me…even if they made me take off my hat once.
Aside from that life with two kids has been pretty crazy. Jen takes the brunt of most of it all day and I have no clue how she does it. Amelia has two bottom teeth now that decided to just pop in one day and Connor is at the climbing stage where he has to climb on just about anything he can.
I downloaded a bunch of silly valentines day cards and put them up in the photo gallery. Here’s a few of the best:
Wunder Boner anyone?
NSFW...oh my sweet lord you need to watch this
Few times in my life have I nearly spit out a liquid while listening to something….not safe for work language but oh dear god it’s funny.
Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work