busy, very busy

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Jun 302004

- Lord, please don’t let me die in a funny way.
- Need something for the Geek who has everything? This handy DVD rewinder will be sure to please them.
- M. C. Esher’s “relativity” in Lego form.
- Libraries for over due books.
- Crowd Beats 2 People After Alleged Hit-And-Run Accident.
- “what kind of an evil bitch takes the ice cube tray’s?”
- Somewhere up there Darwin is smiling. Fireworks ignite in Car, kill 1.
- One firehydrant, one flower shop, one dog, and nineteen cars. What do they have in common? One very drunk driver.

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Jun 292004

There are certain problems I have with public rest rooms, or at least rest rooms that are shared with groups of people.
People are fucking pigs. Disgusting, filthy, biohazard, vomit-inducing, pigs.
I hate using the bathroom here at work, wanna know why? Because there is some foul bastard of a mother’s womb who insists on displaying his nose goblin collection on the walls over the urinal.
That’s right, every time I go to “see a man about a snake” I have to stare ahead at some god damn, mother fucker’s booger’s smeared on the wall.
What kind of sick fuck do you have to be to do this every day? What event had to occur during your childhood to cause this type of outcome? I can’t even being to fathom the depth’s of your problems and doubt that any psychologist could help you. You should just kill yourself now before you spawn more booger smearing bastards from your cursed loins.
This brings me full circle to people who don’t wash their hands at all. Why not just take your dick out and slap it against the door handle for me? Cause that would be great….
At least some people actually wash their hands, and some people even pretend to. But not you mr. two shakes, your life and activities are to pressing to be slowed down by needless sanitation. Why your dick is so important that everybody should be lucky to even touch it’s left over residue.
You are so vital to everyone around you, you can’t even stop to pretend to wash your hands, or even give a second glance at a moist towelette, you make a beeline right to the door because you have to be somewhere, somehow now or something horrible will happen.
meanwhile, I’m at the freakin’ door doing my best impression of cirque du soleil trying to open the door handle without touching it with any part of my body I might not want a rash on. In fact, let’s just replace the doorhandle with a penis. A big ol’ floppy dong to represent what we’re really touching.
And while I’m experiencing this little joy of my life, i’ve got you behind me practically sticking your dick up my ass because i’m taking to long to open the door because I don’t seem to enjoy cock as much as you do.
God I hope you die. >:|

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Well we finally finised

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Jun 282004

Well we finally finised the dining room paint job (kinda). Four coats of Velvety Merot….4 freakin’ coats. Crazy…..

So I bought a scale last week from . The reason this scale is so special is that I got it for $19.99 because of an error on their website. Seems that somebody keyed in the wrong price and a few people noticed it and got in on the deal. So I got an 85 dollar scale for 19….plus free shipping.

What are the amazing things you can do with this scale?
- Find out your weight (175)
- Prop open door
- Figure out how much weight you just lost by pooping
- Weigh the cats
- Brag about it’s cheap price

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my neck hurts again

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Jun 272004

I have a secret dream.
One that has lasted for years and consumes my thoughts.
I want Transformers. Specifically, generation one transformers:
- Optimus prime
- Megatron (when he was still a gun)
- Jetfire (oh dear god, who doesn’t want this?)
- Soundwave.
I bring this up not because I’d trade my first born, but because I ran across a sadly cool thing today. Soundwave breakdancing.
Let me say that again, it’s a video of Soundwave, from the Transformers TV show, break dancing.

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I am a sick, sick man

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Jun 232004

- Man plunges to death from helicopter into Grand Canyon. Hey, if your gonna go, go big.
- House vs. Subaru WRX. House looses.
- Hiding behind certificates, has the IT industry become dependant upon little pieces of paper that mean nothing?
- Marshmallow results in arrest of teacher’s aid by federal agents. Hot chocolate overheard to be planning a much more devious plan.
- Fraternity rents house. Fraternity trashes house at huge party. Fraternity doesn’t understand why they’re being sued for damages.
- McDonald’s now offering special menu’s for African American’s. Not to be confused with their actual, serious attempt at hitting up Asians and Pacific. :sad:
- Undercover car salesman tells secrets. Actual article is kinda weak on specifics, but the concept is cool.
- . Entire family ends up in jail. Lawyers heard rejoicing.
- Self serving, egotistical bullshit critiqing america’s morals coming from a clergyman who fathered a child out of wedlock and hid it. Does anyone with a brain stem actually listen to this guy and his policy of “pull the race card”?
- Corrupt towing company holds wheelchair from crippled man. Ends up returning wheelchair, but still is charging $15 dollars a day for storage for van it was in. Guess what folks, if he couldn’t pay the bill at first, what the fuck makes you think he’s gonna start crapping money now?

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Beware the puppies of

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Jun 232004

Beware the puppies of pergitory!!!!!

Coolest toilet ever….!

Cool clock, no? It was a gift from the cat’s ;)

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Finished a project Sunday that I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I put a garage door opener in my car.
Behold mere mortal, for this is no normal garage opener. Nay….this garage door opener is built into the car, will never need a battery again, better range AND just damn plain looks cool.
Here you can see the circuit board connections. Used some old telephone wire to run the switch and LED leads, and some 18 gauge speaker wire for power.

Here’s the casing put back on. I didn’t put any holes, so if I wanna I can put it back to being a regular opener.

My messy work bench :) The messier the better!

I marked out the cuts in pencil, here’s the first rough cut. Just used a Dremel and a really sharp razor blade…

Here we are about 1 hour later. Took forever to get it right, but I had to be careful. Don’t exactly have extra pieces lying around ya know.

Here’s the space in the dash where it’s going

This is the +12v lead I tapped into to power it.


Interesting note, even though the garage door unit is now in the middle of the dash (behind the button) it still works better than it did when clipped on the visor. Even behind all the metal of the car. I think it’s simply because of the additional power. 12v @ 120amps beats a battery any day.

Of course I added this to my Honda Insight page as well. Also, the next project coming up here is adding a subwoofer :) :) :)

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Cheeto's and green tea....my poor toilet

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Jun 212004

Saturday was a beautiful day. Sunny. Cool breeze. A beautiful day by anyone’s standards. The kind of day that would make a person want to crawl out of their basement, shake off the drug induced haze, and skip thru a green field with puppies and butterflies.
Then we got in the car.
It’s not her fault, god love her, but I swear to god Jen has an Idiot Magnet (patent pending) shoved up her ass somewhere. It’s gotten to such a point that if it wasn’t for lack of having a back seat or a trunk I’d make her hide back there while driving with a blanket over her head……made of tinfoil….and breathing quietly.
Now, I’m not sure if I was absent the day they covered “anger venting” in driver’s education, however, my preferred method of choice is screaming at my steering wheel. Sometimes, when there’s nothing else you can do, proclaiming loudly that a person has his way with many barnyard animals and stating that his heritage is less than desireable along with his general exhistance is the only thing that can help. (translation: shit eating, donkey raper, mutha fucka) But the catch is that when we do this, it usually is to ourselves, not others (unless there’s a passenger). We don’t normally hang out the window screaming obscenities like a crazed tourettes patient, frothing and slobbering at the mouth.
That was the case, at least until this saturday.
So we were dropping by Home Depot to pick up some more Velvity Merlot paint, and were sitting in the left turn lane, which has two lanes. We are in the far left one, since when we pull in we are going to be heading left. So far so good. Then the light changes and the car’s begin their slow, lemming like progression into the parking lot, when one of the most spectacularly stupid things happens. The car in front of us realizes, that somehow, it needs to be in the outside left turn lane, not the inside. Rather than simply go thru with the turn and then figure out how to get back, the person (later to be confirmed as female) tries to change lanes…in the middle of the turn…did I mention both lanes were pretty full? Probably didn’t mention that did I. So we’re sitting. stopped. behind this MENSA candidate who’s trying to change lanes, and as a result has come to a complete stop thereby blocking everyone behind her and stopping us dead in our tracks with our asses hanging out into the main road.
Meanwhile, nobody else in the outside left turn lane was expecting this, and as such nobody’s letting this sterilization candidate in….why would they, nobody in their right might would see this coming.
Finally, she get’s in between an SUV and some old lady driving like she’s got nothing to do but wait to die. Now comes the best part.
Jen’s mad. I’m mad. We want to vent our frustration about this person and our shocked looks and comments about lineage just aren’t doing it. So as she get’s over to the outside turn lane, and we drive by Jen voice’s her displeasure in the word’s “STUPID FUCKING BITCH” in a loud tone (loud tone of course meaning she yelled it).
Remember I said it was a nice day? My window was wide open. Guess what….so was her’s. If I had chosen so I could have reached out and smacked the back of her head, we were that close. :)
Let’s just say, it’s clear to her how Jen felt about her driving, and we spent the rest of the day looking out of the corner of our eyes for somebody in an Oberweis shirt and a pony tail coming at us.

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Bought a new lawn

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Jun 202004

Bought a new lawn mower yesterday. Turns out Terri needed her John Deere back while he house was being torn down. So she was nice enough to pay for 1/2 of it! Really nice of her, of coure I better cash the check fast….ya never know with her :P
The best part is it matches my car….and probably has more horsepower too :P

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What have I been up to?

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Jun 192004

Those groves in the ceiling are a mutha fucka to paint:

Like the color? Scary isn’t it?

The lovely Jen painting a wall

I actually do some work (had to set the camera to timer to get this)

First coat of paint….looks like the walls of the Tampon testing institute.

2nd coat of paint….looks a little better….

Cuto picture of nibbler….bad picture of me…..really bad. That look on my face kinda reminds me of www.jeffgoldblumiswatchingyoupoop.com.

Bought these shoes a while ago, and just love them….i am aware how gay that sounds by the way….

Now if you’ll excuse me, my back is KILLING me so I have to go drink the pain away and chug some more advil :(

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