I feel horrible for our children and the effect our generation will have on them.
What do our children have to do with this subject? Well in about 50 year’s or so when we have run the gambit of our lives and end up in in a geriatric ward like so much stacked firewood who do you think will be forced to care for us?
Maybe not the next generation, but the one after that. Those will be the poor bastards having to deal with a withered husk that was once a person and the various marking’s, tatoo’s, body mod’s, etc.
I could be a little harsh here, perhaps by then the back fat will be covering all the tribal tatoo’s that were so popular to get on the small of the back. That way you won’t be able to identify grandma from the archived “girls gone wild” memory cubes.
Or if your really lucky, then white noise generating devices will have advanced (a.k.a cone of silence) to the point where you don’t have to worry about the Alzhiemer patients singin the “thong song” at top volume, or rapping along to the classic song’s the oldies station will play (personally I can’t wait to watch a 95 year old rap along to Tupac or toothlessly mumble all the words to little Kim’s “how many lick’s”). Although thankfully today’s song’s usually won’t be vocally stressful, so even those without their layrnx will be able to sing most popuar rap songs using only a vocabulary of “uh,uh”, “nigga”, and “money com’n out my anus” (no….I didn’t make that up).
Personally, I can’t wait for the first time a fellow member of my generation blurt’s out “i like the way you do that right thurr” while their diaper is being changed.
If you ask me, multiple/facial piercing’s do have a place in the future of our society and it’s inevitable crowding of the necessary elderly care. They can use the piercings to chaing up the crazy one’s so they don’t shuffle off to far in search of more fiber suppliments or depends.
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