Taffy apple salad day's

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Oct 312003

I got shampoo in my eye this morning :-(

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Oct 282003

- Do you like jailbait? Find out with this easy NSFW test.
- Ever hear of the Phantom Console? Here’s a great behind the scene investigation done by [H]. My money’s on it being bullshit.
- Here’s how to mess with telemarketer’s.
- The senate is trying to raise the HB-1 visa cap. Because really, what’s more important to helping the US economy than bringing in worker’s from overseas who will work for less because they are used to poverty levels that we won’t tolerate.
I suggest we outsource the senate to India and see how they like it. Fat, money grubbing fuckers. All they are doing is bending over the american people and letting the multinational conglomerates butt fuck us so they can get more campaign money!
- How to treat your geek.

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Top 11 Rejected Car

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Oct 272003

Top 11 Rejected Car Names

11. Honda Aloof Hybrid
10. Acura SUX
9. Toyota Yugonadai
8. Lexus GX470 Ultimate-Trophy-Wife Edition
7. Volvo Clutaurus
6. Hyundai Accordion
5. Kia Soreasso
4. Subaru Badubidoo
3. Mercedes-Benz FU Class
2. Toyota 3Wayer
1. Suzuki Somersault

By the way, if you have the 6meg package in Ameritech, and you have a 5861 router. Make sure you have this firmware at least, otherwise you might not get your full speeds.

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I am death incarnate...to computers

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Oct 262003

I’ve spent pretty much most of my weekend fighting with about 3 computer’s here on my desk, including what was supposed to be my web cam server *grrrr*.
Here’s a little tip, if you are going to disable services…don’t disable the plug and play one. Also if you decide to upgrade win98 to XP…make sure you de-install Norton System Works 2003 and Paragon NTFS viewer…..
So I bought a new toy earlier this week for me and Jen :) A Palm Tungsten C

It’s got a great screen, amazing resolution, built in keyboard, good rechargable life, plays movies, mp3′s, Excell and Word Doc’s, and the best part?
Built. in. 802.11b.
What’s that mean you ask? That means I can go to any “hot spot” (like Starbucks, or McDonald’s)and get online with it. Surf, Email, telnet, hell I can even VPN in to my corp network if I want.
Now if I can just get it away from Jen :)

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deep fat fryer

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Oct 232003

Remember my last entry regarding how tech job’s are being send overseas? Well it turns out that they aren’t the only ones going over seas.
Apparently Medical data is going over there as well, and recently there was a situation were somebody ransomed the data for more money, and couldn’t be legally pursued because……..wait for it…..they were over seas in INDIA!
*sigh*….anyway’s, today’s menu is:
- 2003 dumbest corporate lawsuits
- Romania, home of the evil h4ck3r
- Quiznos “were you raised by wolves?” campaign disturb’s people who are wimps.
- Base jump and your a parachute failed=Bad, .

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Oct 232003

Well I think I got the video thing down…..certainly more interesting than a 30 second update page.
Thanks to Nick for pointing me to this great site that practically did it for me.
I hope everyone like’s the new layout, it looks good to me, but then again I run both desktop at 1280×1024.
Pat…eat your heart out :P

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Playing with video

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Oct 212003

This is only a test, I”m playing around with streaming video:

The video can take about 20-30 seconds to load because it’s a live stream running off a server in my apartment.
You can also view this live feed directly in Windows Media Player by clicking here.

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Back from the dead

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Oct 202003

Hello, sorry for the weekend off, but apparently there was some type of DNS/Server issue going on.
Anyways, it’s all fixed now so I’m pretty happy about that. But now I’ve got a backlog of stuff to post:
- Ever hear of Ed Gein? Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based “loosely” off him.
- Woman bridesmaid to her husband and her mother…….excuse me while I go gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons…..
- What is the scroll lock for? 5 buck’s says pat steal’s this one!
- Elite soldier’s cut loose to save helicopter they were attached to. All died…..apparently not that elite.
- Take the Energy Bar challenge. (The challenge is to actually eat a whole one).
- Cow vs. Girl game. Pretty funny acutally the first time, but my hand’s hurt afterwards :(
- Why spend all that pesky time drunk driving to get caught, cut to the chase and take an online alcohol test…..no, i’m not kidding. Coming soon AOL’s “you’ve got subpoena” (Prop’s to Nick for the linkage, sorry for not posting it sooner)
Oh and Rick, I got your router today. Thanks for sending me the power cord, cause ya know, it’s not like I have a whole box of those things or something like that sitting around my apartment. I mean I could probably weave myself a freakin’ escape ladder out of them, but thank you for sending me one more, I needed another one for the cat’s to play with. ;P

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I hope you die and burn in hell

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Oct 172003

I feel horrible for our children and the effect our generation will have on them.
What do our children have to do with this subject? Well in about 50 year’s or so when we have run the gambit of our lives and end up in in a geriatric ward like so much stacked firewood who do you think will be forced to care for us?
Maybe not the next generation, but the one after that. Those will be the poor bastards having to deal with a withered husk that was once a person and the various marking’s, tatoo’s, body mod’s, etc.
I could be a little harsh here, perhaps by then the back fat will be covering all the tribal tatoo’s that were so popular to get on the small of the back. That way you won’t be able to identify grandma from the archived “girls gone wild” memory cubes.
Or if your really lucky, then white noise generating devices will have advanced (a.k.a cone of silence) to the point where you don’t have to worry about the Alzhiemer patients singin the “thong song” at top volume, or rapping along to the classic song’s the oldies station will play (personally I can’t wait to watch a 95 year old rap along to Tupac or toothlessly mumble all the words to little Kim’s “how many lick’s”). Although thankfully today’s song’s usually won’t be vocally stressful, so even those without their layrnx will be able to sing most popuar rap songs using only a vocabulary of “uh,uh”, “nigga”, and “money com’n out my anus” (no….I didn’t make that up).
Personally, I can’t wait for the first time a fellow member of my generation blurt’s out “i like the way you do that right thurr” while their diaper is being changed.
If you ask me, multiple/facial piercing’s do have a place in the future of our society and it’s inevitable crowding of the necessary elderly care. They can use the piercings to chaing up the crazy one’s so they don’t shuffle off to far in search of more fiber suppliments or depends.

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where's my shrimp?

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Oct 162003

Greeting Card’s for men :)

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