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My Honda Insight
The above picture is that of my new Honda Insight. My pride and joy :) Nothin' says lovin' like 65 MPG.....
5/14/11 IMA battery (and control units) were replaced under Honda's 10 year warranty.
4/15/11 Replaced the two groundstraps in the engine to help diagnose possible IMA issues. Details here.
9/26/05 Changed the brake pads, took lots of pictures. Details here.
5/10/05 Cleaned the EGR valve. Details here.
1/7/05 Put a warm air mod on my car for the winter. Details here.
11/15/04 Changed my own oil.
10/14/04 Installed a John Wayland Shoebox subwoofer, of course the link leads to a walkthru :)
Unsure did a small article about my car and the stereo I installed. Pretty cool you can see it right here.
6/22/04 Added a permanent garage door opener just for kicks.
7/02/02 Added my rear speakers, and of course had to include a walk thru.
8/22/01 Finally put up the steps I took to upgrade my speakers from a factory default, to a new pair of Kenwood KFC-P603's. Plenty of pics showing how right here and a walkthrough.
7/15/01 I Just added a brand new JVC El Kameleon KD-LX100 in my shiny new Honda :) Here's how I did it:
Well first of all I purchased it from Crutchfield Online (Great site). What I like the best is not only are the prices good, but you also get a free wiring harness and plastic installation kit. Things that you normally have to buy seperately. Not to mention the free instructions for your brand of car. Once I got it, I had to wire together the wiring harness . I did this by using a wire stripper, and some heat shrink tubing. Not to mention a butane heat gun to help the tubing shrink. Following the directions I simply matched the wires and attatched them. Once I was done with that then I went out to my car. The only tools I brought were a #2 Phillips, and a 5/16"'s socket driver.
I needed first of all to remove the glove compartment. To do this I removed the two screws (left and right) and simply then slid it out. Once that was done I removed a bolt from the bottom and a screw from the top that were along the right hand side of the center console where the glove compartment once was. Then being very careful, I pulled the center console out from the "snap" brackets holding them in. It was actually very difficult since the plastic is so thin in some places, but I made it work. Then once the existing factory radio was removed I took the metal clips off the sides (5/16's again) attached them to the new JVC, and then mounted it in the same place , connecting it to the dash's harness using the wiring harness I cobbeled together earlier. Then I simply snapped the center console back on and voila! All done and ready to rock and roll :)
Now I"ve just gotta get some better speakers, add some rears and figure out where the heck to put a sub box :P